12 Tips for Writing Clickable Search Ad Copy, IM NewsWatch, July 8, 2016

July 8th, 2016 at 9:12 am EDT

IM NewsWatch

Friday, July 8, 2016

‘5 Growth Hacks That Your Competitors Don’t Want You to Know’ – Business.com

‘Why You Need to Start Video Marketing Now’ – Entrepreneur

’12 Tips for Writing Clickable Search Ad Copy’ – HubSpot

$1, well spent #ad

‘Snapchat’s user base is getting older: How should marketers respond?’ – Econsultancy

‘Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Defined in 60 Seconds’ – Copyblogger

‘How Local Content is Helping SMBs Keep Big Brands at Bay’ – MOZ

Your WordPress blog may be at risk of hacking #ad

‘How to Get Past the Dreaded SEO Plateau’ – MarketingProfs

‘The 3 types of remarketing you should be trying’ – Marketing Land

‘How Loyalty Marketing Programs Work and How to Build One’ – Business.com

Simple, effective blog tactics you can setup in less than 90 minutes #ad

‘4 Sales Trigger Events That Are Completely Overrated’ – HubSpot

‘5 Tips For Digital Marketing On A Budget’ – Entrepreneur

‘How You Can Conquer These Three Negative Content Trends’ – MarketingProfs

Business Opportunity: Amazing Reseller's Membership Website by Jeremy Burns #ad

‘6 custom Google Analytics reports you should use for every CRO project’ – Marketing Land

‘Help is Here: 10 Reasons Your Content is Not Getting Enough Attention Online’ – Business.com

‘The Prospecting Content You Should Send to 4 Different Lead Sources’ – HubSpot

How Luther Landro Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software #ad

‘Attending MozCon 2016? Pitch for MozCon Ignite.’ – MOZ

‘Trending Content Topics in B2B Marketing’ – MarketingProfs

‘You Need to Stop Makng These 5 Customer Service Mistakes’ – Entrepreneur

‘Leverage your marketing data: 9 FAQs to get you started’ – Marketing Land

‘If Google Has a Mobile First Strategy, So Should You’ – Small Business Trends

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 is compensated for the ads it shows, either when the product owner places the ad or when someone purchases a product from the ad or both. All entries about WSOs are ads. All entries marked with #ad are ads.    

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