10 Social media trends for 2019 - IM NewsWatch, January 1, 2018

January 1st, 2019 at 7:34 am EDT


IM NewsWatch

Tuesday, January 1, 2018

Here’s a short guide to Facebook advertising

Advertising on social media is a significant part of your online marketing and promotional efforts. And when it comes to social engagement Facebook wins till date. Shopify contributor Mary-Rose Sutton has shared a comprehensive guide sharing four tips to effectively advertise on Facebook and an analysis of different Facebook ads. Talking about the... [Read more]

Customer Onboarding: The Key to Repeat Customers [Podcast]

Customer acquisition and retention are the two biggest priorities of most brands. Finding new customers and keep them coming again and again requires consistent efforts and a reliable product. Shopify contributor Felix Thea has published a new podcast titled ‘Customer Onboarding: The Key to Repeat Customers’ featuring Patrick Coddou to help... [Read more]

What will happen to content marketing in 2019?

Content marketing has kept evolving and has become an integral part of our marketing strategies. In 2019 too we expect the content marketing to reach new heights. The Business 2 Community contributor Emily Sidley has shared eight content marketing trends we may expect this year. Sidley says, “We’ve discussed the value of content marketing before,... [Read more]

Entrepreneur mag shares 10 social media trends for 2019

2019 is here and it’s time to find out what is trending in social media. Entrepreneur contributor Deep Patel has shared ten social media trends we can expect this year. Patel says, “With the start of a new year, it’s time to look into the crystal ball of emerging trends on social media. What is going to influence social media users? What... [Read more]

‘Why Email is the #1 Marketing Tool for Small Businesses’ Webinar January 2

The Constant Contact team is hosting a webinar on ‘Why Email is the #1 Marketing Tool for Small Businesses’ on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 at 1 pm ET. Constant Contact team says, “Not quite sure why your organization needs Email Marketing? Attend this webinar and learn why Email Marketing is the top tool Small Businesses and Nonprofits... [Read more]

Here’s a list of top ecommerce platforms for 2019

For those who are in the ecommerce domain would be having greater business opportunities in the new year. A mistake that many ecommerce businesses make is limiting themselves to certain platforms. If you are reaching the mass through a variety of platforms, the chances of getting more sales are brighter. Small Business Trends contributor Ann Smarty... [Read more]

Growing an Email List of 20,000 (Without a Product to Sell) [Podcast]

Email has been a powerful marketing tool that has empowered generations of marketers. It helps build the bridge between the brands and customers with its authenticity. Shopify contributor Felix Thea has published a new podcast titled ‘Growing an Email List of 20,000 (Without a Product to Sell)’ to help marketers build their email lists. Thea... [Read more]

ReadWrite shares the growth areas where today’s brands are investing

In the new year it is time to find out the possible growth opportunities. Discovering the probable areas which could prove to be promising for the future is something every organization should be doing. ReadWrite contributor Brad Anderson has shared an article highlighting the importance of customer success and how brands are working on it. Anderson... [Read more]

How Imgur avoids the ugliness of social media [Podcast]

Social media has turned out to be the biggest influential element when it comes to branding and marketing. Recode columnist Eric Johnson has published a podcast featuring Alan Schaaf on Imgur, an image-sharing website, avoids the ugliness of social media. Johnson says, “On the latest episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher, Imgur CEO... [Read more]

‘The Marketing Channel You’ve Been Missing’ Webinar January 17

The MarketingProfs team is hosting a webinar on ‘The Marketing Channel You’ve Been Missing’ Thursday, January 17 at 2.00 pm ET. The webinar speakers are going to share some tips to help marketers improve their open and engagement rates. MarketingProfs team says, “We think of demand gen as bringing leads to our businesses. But... [Read more]

Forrester releases ‘Predictions 2019’ guide

The Forrester research team has published new guide titled ‘Predictions 2019’. Forrester team says, “The year transformation goes pragmatic Seismic shifts in the market are challenging the existing leadership norms, business models, technology agendas, and customer engagement strategies that made companies what they are. 2019 represents... [Read more]

Four ways to improve your YouTube marketing

YouTube is the ultimate platform when it comes to using video. Also when it comes to social media it is only behind Facebook in the number of daily users. With persistent efforts and creative content you can make your marketing result-oriented. The Forbes team has shared four useful tips to help marketers use YouTube in a way so that they get the desired... [Read more]

Retail marketing trends you should know

It is important to know about the trends that are taking place and the trends that are expected in the future. The Forbes team has shared seven trends that we need to pay attention to in the retail marketing domain. John Hall says, ” To help your retail business grow and thrive, here are seven retail trends in marketing that you need to pay... [Read more]

Forbes’ influencer marketing predictions for 2019

The influencer marketing domain has been growing and now reaching the micro-influencers too. This new concept has provided the brands with an opportunity to reach out the people having specific are of interest and need. With the rise of social media, the influencer marketing is surely going to have a better future in the coming year. With a view to... [Read more]

Tackling New Year’s Predictions [Podcast]

The eMarketer team has published a new podcast featuring their predictions for the 2019. eMareter team says, “In this special holiday edition of The Weekly Listen podcast, we take a break from discussing eMarketer’s forecasts, and instead weigh in on other people’s predictions for 2019”. Tackling New Year’s Predictions eMarketer  [Read more]

What’s next for virtual assistants like Alexa? Maybe buying stuff for you automatically. [Podcast]

The virtual assistants have entered in the several households and are becoming an integral part of many lives. This new technology has allowed brands to optimize one more new way to promote themselves. ReadWrite columnist Eric Johnson has published a podcast on the future trends we may expect with the virtual assistant. Johnson says, “When Apple’s... [Read more]

Ways to improve your content marketing

Content marketing has become an essential part of our marketing strategy as it delivers long term benefits from a piece you publish online. Though it is not easy to come out with creative pieces but as it is promising the efforts are worthwhile. Content Marketing Institute columnist Kim Moutsos has shared four content marketing gems to help fellow marketers... [Read more]

The SEO Elevator Pitch [MOZ Video]

Search engine optimization enables you to reach out manifold people with the help of search engines and turn them into prospective customers. The MOZ team has published the Whiteboard Friday video featuring Kameron Jenkins on ‘The SEO Elevator Pitch’. who shares some useful tips on how you can establish yourself as an SEO specialist. The... [Read more]

Watch for these small business marketing automation trends in 2019

The new year is just a few days away and it is the time to discover what lies ahead. Marketing automation is something everyone is curious about and the AI and VR have created more hopes for it. Small Business Trends contributor Itai Elizur has shared five small business marketing automation trends of 2019. Talking about audience segmentation across... [Read more]

Ways to make your videos more interesting

Video plays an important role in giving an edge to your marketing campaign. It helps you get more conversions as compared to other tools. Content Marketing Institute columnist Amanda Subler has shared some useful tips to eliminate the boredom from your marketing videos and achieve your sales targets. Subler says, “Both B2B and B2C marketers... [Read more]

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