Subject: Let's sort this out

Friend, come on. Let's sort this out. It's not fair that you're not pulling in 250 smackers (and more) per day

To be honest, 250+perDay is actually not tricky at all. So I want to give you full access to my BreakthroughVIP

What does that mean for you?

It means you literally have all my juicy secrets at your fingertips so you can replicate what I did to pull myself out of a massive and very ugly hole.


Trust me you need to see this as soon as you possibly can.

If you're sick and tired of grabbing every shiny-object and getting nowhere, then stop right now.

You owe this to yourself and your loved ones

You know I'm always here for you

I could be a few grapes short of a bunch but I do this stuff for you

And there has never been a better time to start making a living online.

It gives you freedom on so many levels.

There is so much doom and gloom out there.

Trust me, I know how it feels to have the enormous stresses of not having enough to make ends meet.

But you really don't have to worry/

Pick up my GeeDoc and I'll give you my BreakthroughVIP program that is going for 697.00

Oh and also I'll give ya TheAffiliateDirective for nuffin too

Oh and all the up'grades for TheAffiliateDirective as well

So you'll be getting over 1,000 worth of goooodies when you pick up GeeDoc

If you've always wanted to come and join me at BreakthroughVIP then this is the cleverest way to do it.

Honestly this is the juiciest, many grapes short of a bunch, sweeeetest dealio I've ever created.

But I can't hold it open for long my friend.

So come on in, the water is warm, crystal clear and the best place to be.

If you have any questions, please ask.

All the best

Trevor Carr,.

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