Subject: KINGDOM UPDATE: ENTER THE PASSION | LIT TV: Davis Family | RADIO: Lenten Power Hour Series. TUESDAY 8P: Fr. Nathan Cromly
KINGDOM UPDATE: ENTER THE PASSION | LIT TV: Davis Family | RADIO: Lenten Power Hour Series. TUESDAY 8P: Fr. Nathan Cromly
March 28th, 2023 at 10:49 am EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly Here At This Table... We're invited to enter more deeply into Christ's Holy Passion. With the power to transform the world. For His Kingdom to come. I can't help ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: LAZARUS: THAT'S A WRAP | LIT TV: Grace Schlueter | RADIO: Lenten Power Hour Series. TUESDAY 8P: Greg & Julie Alexander
March 21st, 2023 at 9:20 am EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly A new phrase haunting me: "Faith without friction is fiction." And there's no greater friction today than against our spiritual energy. Therefore, no greater oppo ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: JESUS - THE GREAT EYE-OPENER | LIT TV: Elmore Family | RADIO: Lenten Power Hour Series. TUESDAY 8P: Fr. Nick Rouch + "Photini: The Rest of the Story"
March 13th, 2023 at 5:24 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly Life is just like that sometimes... Steph just wanted to set a sacred atmosphere for the women who would soon be gathering: "Alexa, play Lent at Ephesus." Alexa r ...
KINGDOM UPDATE: WOMAN AT THE WELL | LIT TV: Knight Family | RADIO: Lenten Power Hour Series for Catholic Couples. TUESDAY 8P: Melody Lyons + Peter & Debbie Herbeck
March 6th, 2023 at 6:25 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctly Lenten Greetings! Tuesday 8P on IGNITE Radio Live we continue our Lenten Power Hour Series for Catholic Couples, this week featuring Melody Lyons (Theme 3), and P ...