Subject: GOD WITH US STORY 16: Denice M. Mingus | "My Easter Story"
GOD WITH US STORY 16: Denice M. Mingus | "My Easter Story"
March 30th, 2021 at 12:18 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyMY EASTER STORYby DENICE M. MINGUSMy mother became ill and was diagnosed with cancer. I was just a teenager. Her battle was a strong one. Throughout her illness, I ...
GOD WITH US STORY 15: Monica Vernot | "Hope Through Heartache"
March 23rd, 2021 at 12:30 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyHOPE THROUGH HEARTACHEby MONICA VERNOTThe first glimpse of the baby inside your womb is a life-changing moment. The ticking of another heartbeat inside your being ...
GOD WITH US STORY 14: Mike & Brenda Hainsey | "THE SAND DOLLAR"
March 16th, 2021 at 10:04 am EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyTHE SAND DOLLARby MIKE HAINSEYIn October 2005 our son, Chris, a gifted musician, left this world to be with our Lord, his 5½ year battle with brain cancer over. I ...
GOD WITH US STORY 13: Phil & Jackie Hertzfeld | "Our Lifetime Trip"
March 9th, 2021 at 2:14 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyOUR LIFETIME TRIPby PHIL JACKIE HERTZFELDWow! How did this story begin to get us here, fifty years later? Obviously, it was all in God’s plan for us. He puts peo ...
GOD WITH US STORY 12: Liz Erickson | "Our Mary Story"
March 2nd, 2021 at 1:19 pm EDTView this email online if it doesn't display correctlyOUR MARY STORYby LIZ ERICKSONGrowing up in Fort Wayne, Indiana, the four of us and our parents went to church every Sunday, prayed before meals, and said memorized ...