February 21-27, 2022 Brothers & Sisters in Jesus Christ,
Here are opportunities to build the Kingdom. Receive life-giving, renewing, transforming grace being outpoured and overflow!
Our world is pining for good news. God's supply is you. Last year we shared 54 moving stories that touched thousands! We are hoping to publish of these by the end of this year. Here's your town: in 750 words or less, share your short "God With Us" story. Contact below.
NEW! Kingdom Business Builder personal profile. Kingdom Builders are dynamic Catholic leaders committed to professional excellence and building the Kingdom. Find out more at MassImpact.us/KINGDOM. See poster below.
NEW! Lenten Power Hour Join us and other Catholic couples and national speakers for a live "Power Hour" every Wednesday night 8:30-9:30P in Lent! This is the last week to register at MassImpact.us/POWER. See poster below.
NEW! Belief & Beverage Nights are the third Thursday every month at GMC of Perrysburg (Cronin Auto Family). We're very excited to be featuring dynamic clergy this season, with the theme: "Know the King, Build the Kingdom." Register at MassImpact.us/BNB. See poster below.
NEW! Live IT Gathering Guide and LIT TV episode featuring the Huntebrinker Family. Check it out at ILoveMyFamily.us.
FINALLY, we are families united in discovering, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. This movement is fueled by your prayers, engagement and financial partnership. Find out more at MassImpact.us/PARTNER.
So blessed to be united in building the Kingdom, |
| Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Image Trinity | Mass Impact
Email: Greg@MassImpact.us Call: (814) 449-8808 WEB: ILoveMyFamily.us |
SHORT FAMILY PROTRAIT: Rob & Katie Hohler were married on June 14, 2014, and have a son, Joseph, who is 3-1/2 years old. They attend Saint Rose in Perrysburg, Ohio. Katie is a cantor and leads the "Walking With Purpose" program. Both are involved in the ACTS retreat program. Rob has worked as a church business manager for about 10 years and is a guest on the Men's Show at Awaken Catholic. He is also a realtor with Key Realty.
How did you get into realty? I began working in Real Estate about 2.5 years ago. I have always loved working on home improvement projects and have been passionate about "the home" and what it should be both physically and spiritually (partly thanks to G.K. Chesterton). I have several degrees in business and have always wanted to run my own business. Being a real estate agent just seemed to be an alignment of a number of passions in my life and it has been a tremendous blessing to help people through the process of getting a new home.
What music would you most likely be listening to? John Mark McMillan is my "go-to" right now.
What is a favorite movie? Les Miserables
What was a favorite family vacation? My wife and I recently went to the Holy Land. It wasn't a "vacation" but an incredible experience.
If you had to eat any food for a week and it was 100% healthy, what would it be? This is too hard. I love Chicken Piccata.
What is a book(s) that has made a difference in your life? "Leisure and the Basis of Culture" by Josef Pieper, "The Soul of the Apostolate," "The Imitation of Christ," and "What's Wrong With the World," "The Everlasting Man," as well as an "Outline of Sanity" by G.K. Chesterton.
Who or what are sources of great inspiration and hope for you? I am always very moved by other people's witnesses.
What is the short story of owning your Catholic faith? I grew up Catholic, but really only connected with my faith and reoriented my life when I was in college. It was through a retreat program that led me to live at the Newman Center, and the influence of so many faithful Catholics doing their best to respond to God's call.
Short story of how you met your spouse? I met my spouse in Bowling Green, when we were both in college but really only got to know her after connecting years later. She has always been incredibly humble and prayerful and is always trying to better herself. She is a great example in this way.
CONTACT ROB HOHLER | KEY REALTY: Address: 11070 Alscot Ln., Whitehouse, Ohio, 43571 Phone: (419) 602-7577 WEB: RobHohler.IKeyReality.com
| | | | | | | | | | Family Live IT (LIT) Gatherings are strengthening marriages and families throughout the country. The road awaits. Join us. |
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II
We are families seeking to make our homes places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ.