THE BARTOLO LONGO STORY Easter grace is being outpoured. Available to each of us right now is the present power of Jesus Christ to heal, transform, revive, and strengthen. Easter Story Week 1:
In the heart of Italy, in the 19th century, Bartolo Longo's journey began much like that of many others—he was born into a devout Catholic family. However, as he matured, Bartolo found himself lured away from the faith by the seductive promises of the world. His youthful ambition led him to pursue a path veering far from the teachings of his upbringing.
As he entered adulthood, Bartolo Longo became entangled in the allure of the occult. Seduced by the mysteries and promises of forbidden knowledge, he delved deeper into practices that drew him further from the light of Christ. Eventually, his fascination with the occult led him to assume the role of a satanic priest—a position that embodied his descent into darkness.
Yet, even amidst the shadows that enveloped his life, Bartolo Longo was not beyond the reach of God's grace. It was in the depths of his despair, at the height of his involvement in the occult, that he experienced a moment of divine intervention—a moment of profound transformation.
"One day, invoking the Virgin Mary, I felt her look on me," Bartolo later recounted. "From that moment, I had the desire to change my life."
It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the emptiness and futility of his choices. In that moment of clarity, Bartolo felt the gentle tug of God's love—a love that called him back from the brink of darkness and despair.
"With tears streaming down my face, I fell to my knees and cried out to God," Bartolo recounted. "In that moment of surrender, I felt the weight of my sins lifted from my shoulders, replaced by an overwhelming sense of peace and hope."
From that day forward, Bartolo Longo's life took on a new direction—a direction guided by faith, hope, and love. He renounced his ties to the occult and sought reconciliation with the Church, eager to embrace the teachings of Christ and to share the boundless mercy he had received with others.
"I have found in the Rosary comfort in my pains, the strength to convert, and the hope to persevere," Bartolo declared. "My life is a testament to the power of God's love and mercy."
Bartolo Longo's conversion was not merely a one-time event but a continual journey of growth and renewal. He dedicated himself to prayer, penance, and works of charity, becoming a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who crossed his path.
His profound devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and his tireless efforts to promote the Rosary stand as a testament to his unwavering faith and his desire to lead others to Christ. Through the establishment of the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompeii, Bartolo Longo created a sacred space where countless souls could encounter the grace and healing power of God's love.
In 1980, Pope John Paul II beatified Bartolo Longo, recognizing his holiness and his role in leading others to Christ. And on October 26, 2014, Pope Francis canonized him as a saint of the Catholic Church, affirming his place among the communion of saints—a fitting tribute to a man whose life was transformed by the saving power of Jesus Christ.
In the end, Bartolo Longo's life serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of Jesus Christ—a power that transcends our past mistakes and shortcomings, offering us the promise of redemption and new life. May his story inspire us to turn to Christ with hearts open to receive the boundless mercy and love that He offers to each one of us.
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A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us)
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Greg Schlueter Mass Impact | Image Trinity Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808 We are uniting families in building the Kingdom.