If we do not respond, the state of our nation's soul will be punctuated by the likes of the New York Senate's vote yesterday, condemning all unborn children to death at the whim of their mothers, up to the very moment of birth.
The only answer to Evil, the absence of Good, is to become what we are, icons and instruments of Him Who is Good. This is God's defining purpose for marriage and family. To be God's authentic, living "USIE."
Just reading these words is not enough. Just agreeing and even sharing is not enough. Right now the hope of our nation requires you to overcome every resistance, awkwardness, disinterest and discomfort that may keep you from stepping up where it matters most.
Right now I challenge all married couples, parents and families to embrace our God-given identity and mission. To make Love known. This is our greatest, most powerful answer to Evil. Which is why Satan does not want you to do it. And why God needs us to do it.
Please read MISSION ONE. View the 37 second video. It's just one page. Whether just you and your spouse, with your family or with a group-- plan on joining us on a 7 week journey of talking and praying. Our specific intention is revival. In our souls. In our marriages. In our families. In this world.
Why? Because...
"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." (Pope St. John Paul II)
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