Subject: Open Letter to Catholic Parents


Family Emmaus 2018. United in seeking God more fully alive in our  marriages and families. Below is the open letter in the program booklet. 

“The future of humanity passes by way of the family.” 
Pope St. John Paul II (Familiaris Consortio, 86)

Greetings in Christ Jesus Our Lord!

Crisis. Pope St. John Paul II was forged in the fires of Nazi occupation. Then the Communists. Then secular humanism. All paving the way for our present culture of actual atheism. And even more dangerous than that (according to Pope Benedict XVI) is “practical atheism”- a culture of professing Jesus Christ (even exhibiting great devotion), but living in a state of compromise with the world.

Whether among the church hierarchy or in our Catholic families, Pope St. John Paul II described our ultimate struggle as one of “alienation” versus “participation.” Today we are among wonderful families united in seeking to become saints, which is to say, to honestly recognize ways we may be choosing alienation that we might more fully turn (“repent”) and seek life transforming participation in Him.

As just one example, consider this purely secular summary based upon solid evidence:

"[I]f you wanted to invent a device that could rewire our minds, if you wanted to create a society of people who were personally distracted, isolated, and overtired, if you wanted to weaken our memories and damage our capacity for focus and deep thought, if you wanted to reduce empathy, encourage self-absorption, and redraw the lines of social etiquette, you'd likely end up with a smartphone." (Catherine Price, "How to Break Up With Your Phone" p. 53)

Opportunity. Our crisis defines our opportunity: “Family, become what you are.” (FC, 17) While we have little power over much in the world, we do have the power to reclaim our marriages and homes as places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ. More intentionally than our jobs. Or studies. Or sports. We have the opportunity to do this together.

Warning. If we have the audacity to live what we profess, the Enemy will present every obstacle. Every excuse. We’ll be reminded of our sins. Our precious time. Our inadequacy. We’ll be made to think we’re good enough. Religious enough. We’ll be made to think that formation is the business of our pastor, teacher or spouse. Certainly, we’ll be confronted by fear and awkwardness in pursuing a disciple-making lifestyle and culture most of us did not experience in our families of origin: leading our families regularly in meaningful conversation and prayer. 

Precisely because of these reasons, hear St. Mother Teresa: “Do it anyways.” The obstacles present opportunity. To demonstrate real faith. Accordingly, chains will be broken. Grace outpoured. Culture transformed. Souls eternally saved. Together we will build the Kingdom here.

Live IT. And so we invite you. We challenge you. Beginning this week, commit with us to seven weeks of weekly gathering in your home to talk and pray as a family. We provide a simple, fun and easy to use Live IT Gathering Guide (get the free Live IT App). On the seventh week we’ll all reconvene for an amazing evening of witness and worship called IGNITE.

Thursday, September 27, 6:30p at St. Rose in Perrysburg, Ohio.

Presented with every obstacle, let’s join with our Blessed Mother: Fiat!

Greg and Stephanie Schlueter

Share your COMMENTS or QUESTIONS about the CHURCH CRISIS RIGHT NOW at or our Facebook Page, or call in at (877) 275-8098.

Meet the Walthers

"I measure success as having kids who are happy. As having time together and the kids loving spending time with us. Kids who aren't afraid to be lights in a dark world. Kids who can walk the halls of their public high school, and aren't afraid to go against the norm. I don't measure success on the size of the house, year of the car, brand of clothes, etc. I measure it on the size of the hearts, the amount of laughter in the home, and having quality time with the kids. Them knowing that they are loved and there is nothing they could do to lose our love, but that they know even more that they have a Father who loves them infinitely more."

Pray four times daily, one for: (1) Self, (2) Family, (3) Parish, (4) World.

"O Most Holy Spirit, come and IGNITE the Great Fire of Your Love!
Set it ABLAZE in our minds and hearts!"

IMAGE TRINITY, 7433 FOX LANE, HOLLAND, OHIO 43528, United States
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