Subject: O2: Our "John 6" Moment.

THIS WEEK: Jesus tells us how to live forever.
John 6:51-58 (NEW Live IT Episode + Guide
IGNITE Radio Live 8pm Tuesdays | NEXT: 8/18

Listen to Excerpt of Bishop Daniel Thomas and Deacon Joe Malenfant from Festival HERE.
"Make a Mass Impact in this area" HERE

IGNITE. Witness. Word. Worship. 7pm
Tue 8/18: St. Peter (Huron)  
Wed 8/19 (+SPARK dinner at 6pm): Holy Trinity (Swanton)
Our "John 6" Moment

I couldn't speak.
And that's saying something.

A dad approached me midway through the IGNITE Catholic Family Festival. Just a couple hours earlier he had arrived with his reluctant family. The teens' faces were stamped: "This is going to be really stupid." I understood. Don't we all. We were teenagers. It was a majestic last day of summer... "and we're going to do... what?"

It continued into the gates. This family was hard pressed to be together, much less out of the tent together... and off to the "Family Fun Challenge." Yet they made it. 

A few short hours later it happened. They were sitting at supper. Together. The gloom had dissipated, replaced by smiles. Easy conversation. Enjoyment. Something had happened. On the way out, with the best of the Festival yet to come, the dad tapped me on the shoulder. He had a hard time getting the words out. "Thank you." 

This story is being told over and over again. Against the backdrop of most Catholics not attending mass (75%), and most who do not even pray before meals (87%)-- a growing number of families are. This growing number of families keep striving to live it in their own homes. They keep setting the stage for others. They keep inviting.

And all this right in the pages of John 6 (being featured in the Gospels these past Sundays). Jesus has been telling us His Presence is not just real, but real power. In fact, the only way to eternal life.  

Note that of the many who encountered Jesus that day, the multitude left. Also note that these retained their religious affiliation and even observance, but they were not followers of Jesus Christ.

We're realistic. How can we improve upon Jesus? We know that of the many who are invited, only some will respond. And of these, only some will Encounter. But these will be truly impacted. They are being truly impacted. Their lives are being changed. They are telling the story. Their lives are proclaiming the Story.

We know we're not there, but we want to be. The world needs us to be. God calls us to be. And what He calls us to, He will provide for. 

Here is your John 6 moment. Begin by listening to this short, impactful audio just featured on Annunciation Radio (HERE). The successor of the Apostles, Bishop Daniel Thomas, is inviting us to become holy disciples, holy families and to foster holy vocations. Leading up to the World Meeting of Families, He's asking us to engage in the Live IT Challenge over the next seven weeks.

This is followed by an invitation by Deacon Joe Malenfant. He beautifully but briefly shares his own conversion story, which sets the stage for all of us to unite in making a Mass Impact in this area. We're making a big difference. Please HELP US now at this critical time of need.

United in Him,

Greg Schlueter
Mass Impact | Image Trinity

Please help us HERE.

Become "that" kind of community HERE.

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