There are a good number of married couples under attack right now. Of course they
are. They have the audacity to live their call to make God, Who is Love,
known. The Enemy doesn't like that. He whispers lies. He twists. He
preys upon weakness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, right now we
name and renounce you Selfishness. We renounce you Lust. We renounce Confusion. We renounce Pride. We
renounce Bitterness and Contempt. We renounce Pettiness. We renounce Hyper-critical, Harsh, Unkind, Arrogance, Deceit and Fear!
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray for couples to awaken to this new moment (Eph. 5:14). We pray for a new outpouring
of real empathy, an outpouring of mercy, an outpouring of forgiveness,
an outpouring of repentance, an outpouring of healing....
Married couples-- the Power of God who is Love is here right now for you to receive. You
are not alone! God has destined you for greatness. Our world needs your
witness of Love that conquers in Jesus Christ! (Rom. 8:37)
Whatever pain you have experienced... whatever pain you are experiencing, accept these as God's loving hands molding you! Seek supportive, loving,
challenging community! Rely not upon yourselves! Look to Him. Fall upon
Him. Lay your cares upon Him. You have sacramental grace. Believe it.
Claim it. Live it. And after this, get up... go and strengthen others! (Luke 22:32) Let's do this!
Be united with us. Receive the gift of God more fully alive personally, in your marriage, family and parish. We claim this world for Jesus Christ. We are Kingdom Builders.