| | | TONIGHT! 8-9pm IGNITE RADIO LIVE! With Greg and Stephanie Schlueter THEME: LIT Group Launch. Invitation to get on board.
CALL IN with questions and comments: 877-275-8098.
Beginning the week of February 4, 2018-- greater personal, marriage, family, parish and regional revival begins. Following our LIT Marriage Mission Retreat led by Fr. Nathan Cromly, many couples are preparing to lead up to four other couples in their homes for a season of 7 weeks. In the final week all will be united before Jesus Christ at an IGNITE on Tuesday, March 20, 6:30pm (location TBD).
GO HERE FOR MORE: MassImpact.us/LITLeaders
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On January 10, 2018 over 200 gathered for our first Kingdom Builders Banquet. Such an amazing, devoted group of leaders gathered in one place-- people who are truly building the Kingdom in every area of this region!
We were blessed to hear our mission amplified by Bishop Daniel Thomas and national author/speaker, Justin Fatica: "Our business is building the Kingdom here."
All were invited to consider two questions: (1) Would Jesus have taught us to pray "Thy Kingdom come" without providing the means to fulfill it? (2) What if we devoted the same time, resources and energy to our shared "business" of building the Kingdom here as we do our daily work? (Hear the inspiring program: IGNITERadioLive.com.)
Through impactful testimony we were blessed to hear the story of how Mass Impact is actually accomplishing this Kingdom building. We are seeing personal, family and parish revival. Now is the time. (VIDEO)
We introduced our vision for a LIT Lodge and Campus (GO), a warm, welcoming center for regional revival... where men, women, families and priests can more fully be formed, encouraged, supported and united in their homes, parishes and the world.
Our immediate, minimal financial goal for that evening was to raise $80,000. One, very generous benefactor got us half-way there with a matching pledge of $40,000. We are so grateful that among the participants an additional $32,000 was given or pledged, taking us $64,000.
With matching funds, we have just $8,000 more to go! The truth is, we want and need to maximize all our energies for this mission. We don't want to be bogged down in having to ask for money.
We need your help.
Please consider making a donation right now. Every dollar you donate will be doubled by the match. We would be particularly grateful if you could make a monthly pledge, whether that be $1, $10, $100 or $1,000.
To donate directly now by credit card, go HERE. For the pledge page, please goHERE.
Finally, if the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart right now about the LIT Lodge and Campus... if He's giving you a "founders" heart with us, a share in dreaming what this would mean for this entire region in truly becoming a Holy Toledo, please contact me soon and directly.
Thank you so much. Please keep us in your prayers and be assured of ours for you!
Greg Schlueter + Kingdom Builders Team
MassImpact.us Greg@MassImpact.us
IGNITE Radio Live! TONIGHT! Tuesdays 8-9am Annunciation Radio THEME: Live IT Groups GOIGNITE Radio Live web GO
LIT Groups SEASON 1 With 4 other couples in your living room. Find out more. GO
Week 1 (beginning 2/4) Week 2 (beginning 2/11) Week 3 (beginning 2/18) Week 4 (beginning 2/25) Week 5 (beginning 3/4) Week 6 (beginning 3/11) Week 7 IGNITE Tuesday, March 20, 6:30p (TBA)
IGNITE St. Peter - Huron | Tue. 2/20 6:30p IGNITE Most Blessed Sacrament | Wed. 2/21 6:30p IGNITE Holy Trinity - Assumption | Wed. 2/21 7:00p
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