Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
A little play on words. "IT'S HAPPENING." If you're just tuning in, IT is what we're about: We Image the Trinity. Get IT?
ever-increasing numbers people are hungry, pining for so much more than
"another program." We're about a way of life in Jesus Christ. This is
our greatest challenge. Thus, IT is not measured by that time, that
event, that program, those people, that place.... IT is measured by how
intentionally we're striving to cultivate IT in our marriages and
families... in our homes.
This is what we're about. And as
people are taking small steps, God is blessing them. Marriages and
families are awakening to their identity and mission.
Want a small experience of this? TUNE IN TONIGHT on IGNITE Radio Live! (Tuesdays / 8p). You're going to hear some real-deal testimony of the Holy Spirit alive in this community:
Impactful teaching by Patrick Reis. Stirring "on the spot" testimonials from people young and old (including St. Paul Street Evangelization founder, Stephen Dawson, who was with us!). Heartfelt worship led by very gifted, young musicians-- Sarah Noltner, Maddie Cronin and Joseph Schlueter. And really beautiful reflections before the Eucharist by Fr. John Miller.
Can't wait till tonight? Want more right now? Download our free, new LiveIT App! (GO) Inspiring IGNITE Radio Live! PODCASTS, Live IT Episodes, Articles and MORE!
week put a flag in the sand for Jesus Christ. Dedicate just 45 minutes
to talk and pray with your family. Make it sacred. Discover the
difference it will make. (GO)
Above all, know how truly and deeply, God loves you!
Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Greg@MassImpact.us
THIS WEEK put a flag in the sand for Jesus Christ: