Holy Week is almost upon us. An abundance of grace is pressing in on us. Are you ready for it? Do you want to watch from the sidelines, or do you want to get in there? Do you want to be truly transformed in the next two weeks? Here's the truth: If we don't know our mess, we'll never really know our Messiah.
Here's the crux of our mess: Jesus Christ was crucified by those who, in today's terms, knew their catechism, attended mass, and were even the most recognized leaders in parish life.
Jesus was crucified by us. That's plain enough. But here's the harder question: Are we still oblivious to Him? To Who He is? To what He's about?
Like our predecessors, while wearing our religious badges, are we still crucifying Him?
Before we too quickly voice our denial with Peter, consider Pope Benedict exhortation to us, Catholic faithful: Be aware of "practical atheism."
What is practical atheism? In summary, practical atheism is evidenced by those who may profess to know Jesus, who may even do powerful things in His name, but who really do not know Him personally.
Consider Jesus' words to the devout of His day: "Many
will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your
name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many
miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’"
Matt. 7:22
Benedict wants us to understand that faith is not a mere “system of values, choices and actions” but “an
encounter with God who speaks and acts in history and which converts our
daily life...."
We may not want to face this, but the Jews of yesterday may be the us of today. We may have all the religion and ritual, but if we have no relationship, it is all meaningless. The Catholic question: Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
When we know Jesus Christ we can't help but give our lives to Him. He becomes our all-consuming desire. He is encountered in our marriages, families and homes. He is revealed in how we spend our money and our time. So much more than commitment to a moment, or a program, but a contagious, joy-filled way of life.
We've tried to sum all this up in this week's Live IT episode: Are you smarter than a flea? Go check it out. (GO)
Above all, know how truly and deeply, God loves you!
Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Greg@MassImpact.us
THIS WEEK put a flag in the sand for Jesus Christ: