LIVE IT THIS WEEK | JN 9:1-41 "One thing I do know is that I was blind but now I see."
What are you doing in the next 48 hours? Let's back up.
This past Sunday David shared: "I'm an alcoholic." His story followed.
In the 14 years that followed his decisive turn from alcohol, David had an amazing conversion to Catholicism. Woven into the story is the faithful love of a woman who would become his wife. He received three Sacraments that day.
Unlike many of us cradle Catholics who often walk oblivious to the Treasures that surround us, David's eyes were opened. He knew. He had encountered the God who'd been pursuing Him. His soul is so alive. So attuned. So hungry.
One year later David discovered he had Stage IV cancer.
Rarely have I encountered such a peace-filled, trusting, surrendered soul. This past weekend our family was so blessed to be with them. To pray with and over them. It was one of the most powerful experiences of our lives. (Please continue the prayer!)
Let me pass along what God "spoke" to me: (1) Per the Gospel this Sunday: We have vision, but do we see? We have religion and ritual, but do we have relationship with Jesus Christ at the heart of it all? (NEW Live IT Episode)
(2) Every moment is a miracle. God has put dreams in your heart. Don't wait. God has revealed people you need to reconcile with. Don't wait. God has given you blessings and revealed those whom you need to bless. Don't wait.
Finally, how can we seize the day? Hear the call. Recognize the opportunity. Commit with us right now to seeing marriages, families, parishes and this community come more fully alive in the power of the Holy Spirit. For real.
Join us for the 2017 Praying With Fire Conference on Pentecost Sunday (June 4). Why so far ahead? Because we're wanting so much more than "another program," but a way of life. Joining us now is a kind of declaration. Kind of like Moses' staff parting waters. Defeating armies. Declare with us. And if you register within the next 48 hours you'll receive a 50% discount.
GO: MassImpact.us/FIRE
Above all, know how truly and deeply, God loves you!
Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Greg@MassImpact.us
THIS WEEK put a flag in the sand for Jesus Christ: