It took place at an IGNITE. Cheryl Schramm had just come through the door. My wife greeted her: "I love your new hair cut!"
She replied, "Thank you. It's a wig."
A powerful moment was about to play out that night, but these thoughts continue to haunt me (in a meaningful way): What would it be like to face a life-threatening disease, particularly with a spouse and young children depending upon you? What of my former concerns would really matter? Why should it take such a thing to live now for what really matters?
Back to that night's IGNITE.
Each of us were given a candle. We were told that the structure before us was called a "Burning Bush." Much like Moses' first encounter with the living God, we were invited to open our hearts to God's Real Presence. He is the One who summons us. He loves us. He knows us. He wants to come more fully alive in us.
In the form of hundreds of flickering candles, all of us were invited to process forward with their lives... which collectively "ignited" the Burning Bush. Then we all knelt as Fr. Adam processed forward with Jesus in the Monstrance, placing Him at the top. (Luke 22:19)
All the lights went out. It was a moment of humbled awe. Our Creator of the Universe... who lowered Himself to make us... who became like us... who died and rose that we might live... who constantly pours forth His Holy Spirit... now gazing upon each of us personally, with such longing love, beckoning us to return the gaze.
Beautiful worship drew us into Him... into a place of ever-greater surrender. Then awe-filled silence. Fr. Adam then brought the monstrance down and knelt facing us. He invited us to approach and touch the humeral veil in faith, much like the woman who touched Jesus' garments in expectant faith. (Mark 5:25)
Feeling the gentle tug in her heart, carrying what must have been the weight of the world, Cheryl made her way into the sea of people reverently approaching Jesus. When it was finally her moment, she dropped to her knees. Overwhelmed by His loving Presence. She couldn't help but respond.
She took off her wig.
More than three years have passed since that moment. The memory is as fresh and powerful as if it just happened. Cheryl and her beautiful family continue giving glory to God on this side of things. And I'm just as pressed to consider... to get gut-honest real: What stands between me and God? What "wigs" am I wearing? What artificial thing am I using to conceal my deeper need? What keeps me from seeking Him with all I am?
Our God fashioned us for His very Presence. He is the only supply of our deepest needs.
This is what Jesus does. This is what He wants to do for us. What are we waiting for? Join us Tuesday, March 20, 6:15p for IGNITE: Lenten Edition, Lourdes University.
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What if you had a consensus All-American, NFL star on your little league football team? That's a small picture of what it's like having Jesus on our team against the Enemy. Take a moment and view this week's humorous but inspiring Live IT Episode corresponding to this week's readings! GO |
IGNITE Radio Live! TUESDAY, 8-9pm Annunciation Radio
GUEST: JUSTIN FATICA THEME: "Blessed Rejection" CALL with your thoughts and questions: 877-275-8098 IGNITERadioLive.com Stream recent PODCASTS
LIT Groups SEASON 1 With 4 other couples in your living room. Find out more. GO
Week 6 (beginning 3/11) Week 7 IGNITE: LENTEN EDITION - ALL WELCOME! Tuesday, March 20, 6:15pm | LOURDES UNIVERSITY (Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel - Sylvania, Ohio) |
| | | | | | | | | | MISSED CARRIAGE "I consider our family blessed beyond measure. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like if our little Thérèse was still with us. She would be eight this month."
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