Terry: "Until a few years ago, praying meaningfully with my family outside of a religious event was uncommon. Dedicating time to read scripture and pray together in our home was not something I had seriously considered."
Terry and Laura Langender have been a devout Catholic family for many years, active in a number of faith endeavors. Yet faith activity outside the home was not overflowing into their home life as they both wanted.
Terry: "It was through Mass Impact we encountered other Catholic families pursuing deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. We were presented with very practical ways to transform our home into one where God is more fully alive. We've been engaged with Mass Impact now for a few years. Praying as a family in our home has blessed us in ways we never anticipated... so much that we are blessed to now be leading other families in doing the same! While we still struggle to consistently make the time to talk and pray on a regular basis, we are motivated by the void we feel when we don’t!"
"Mass Impact is a wonderful resource! I encourage parents to download the Live IT Family Gathering Guide as a simple first step in bringing your family closer to God and one another."
This is what Jesus does. This is what He wants to do for us. What are we waiting for?
GO HERE: MassImpact.us/LIVE-IT | APP: MassImpact.us/APP
This Sunday Jesus speaks of the "temple" being destroyed and rebuilt in three days. If you have any doubt about His Resurrected Body alive with us today, take a moment and view this week's Live IT episode. We captured this Eucharistic procession by drone at Damascus/CYSC. As we're living in a time of unprecedented tumult in our nation, note as the camera pulls away the image these young people form as they surround Jesus. Completely unplanned. By us, that is. Not God. GO |
IGNITE Radio Live! TUESDAY, 8-9pm Annunciation Radio
"The Hidden Danger of the Disney Gospel" Tune in tonight and listen to a very enlightening and challenging presentation by Hillsdale College Professor Nathan Schlueter, Ph.D. With blend of personal testimony, contemporary example and time-honored philosophy, Schlueter offers great insight into the hidden dangers of "romanticism" that has unwittingly invaded and damaged many individual souls, relationships, marriages, homes and popular culture. You don't want to miss this.
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LIT Groups SEASON 1 With 4 other couples in your living room. Find out more. GO
Week 4 (beginning 2/25)
Week 5 (beginning 3/4) Week 6 (beginning 3/11) Week 7 IGNITE: LENTEN EDITION - ALL WELCOME! Tuesday, March 20, 6:15pm | LOURDES UNIVERSITY (Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel - Sylvania, Ohio) IGNITE St. Peter - Huron | Tue. 3/20 6:30p IGNITE Most Blessed Sacrament | Wed. 3/21 6:30p IGNITE Holy Trinity - Assumption | Wed. 3/21 7:00p
| | | | | | | MISSED CARRIAGE "I consider our family blessed beyond measure. But I can't help but wonder what it would be like if our little Thérèse was still with us. She would be eight this month."
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