| What are you doing this Thursday?
The Whisper is so strong: "Exchange people for pixels. Blessedness for busyness. Communion for isolation." So we find ourselves, our families, our friends, our world, lost in the fog. Amnesia. We've forgotten Whose we are. We languish.
Into this God gives Himself in Jesus Christ. Not simply 2000 years ago, but now. To awaken us to our nature and mission in Him. To rediscover our supreme appointing and anointing. To heal the sick. To set captives free. To build the Kingdom. (Luke 4)
The battle is on and you're being called up. A host of angels and saints look on from on high: Will she overcome the lethargy? Pain? Brokenness? Hurt? Indifference? Cynicism? Fear? Doubt? Dispair?
God's Voice speaks powerfully: I've got you! I've made you for this! Arise! Flowing from the grace of Holy Communion, lean into the streams of Holy Community! Be My People united in seeking to discover, proclaim, live and build the Kingdom!
That's what we're about. And here's the last call to register free for our final Belief & Beverages Night of this season. And please consider just becoming a member. Our world needs us now more than ever.
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June 13-19, 2022 Spring Blessings in Christ,
Here are opportunities to build the Kingdom. Receive life-giving, renewing, transforming grace being outpoured and overflow!
Our world is pining for good news. God's supply is you. Last year we shared 54 moving stories that touched thousands! We are hoping to publish of these by the end of this year. It's your turn: In 750 words or less, share your "God With Us" story. Contact below.
A question for business owners and leaders: When's the last time you went to support a good cause and benefitted substantially financially for doing next to nothing? Find out more now at KingdomBuilderProject.com.
Kingdom Business Builder personal profile. Kingdom Builders are dynamic Catholic leaders committed to professional excellence and building the Kingdom. Find out more at MassImpact.us/KINGDOM. See poster below. Belief & Beverage Nights are the third Thursday every month at GMC of Perrysburg (Cronin Auto Family). NEXT: June 16, 6:15P with Msgr. Michael Billian: "Are We Living in an Apostolic Age or Christendom?" Register at MassImpact.us/BNB.
Parish Parent Prayer Project. We want to send you 100 awesome prayer blessing cards for your parish. GO
Live IT Gathering Guide and LIT TV episode featuring the Allion Family! Check it out at ILoveMyFamily.us.
FINALLY, we are families united in discovering, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. This movement is fueled by your prayers, engagement and financial partnership. Find out more at MassImpact.us/MEMBERS.
So blessed to be united in building the Kingdom, |
| Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Image Trinity | Mass Impact
Email: Greg@MassImpact.us Call: (814) 449-8808 WEB: ILoveMyFamily.us |
| | BUSINESS OWNERS & LEADERS: If you're not ok with leaving a lot of money owed you on the table, if you desire a context of making a huge impact for the Kingdom, please check this out. |
We want to send you 100 awesome parent prayer blessing cards for your parish or organization. GO: PRAYER CARD
| | | | | | | | | | | Family Live IT (LIT) Gatherings are strengthening marriages and families throughout the country. The road awaits. Join us. |
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II
We are families seeking to make our homes places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ.