| We Love You, Jesus SANCTUS 2024 (pre-game)
"I adore You, Lord and Creator, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You for all the works of Your hands, that reveal to me so much wisdom, goodness, and mercy, O Lord." ~ St. Faustina Kowalska
Neuroscientists discovered that gratitude and anxiety are governed by the same parts of the brain. Thus, a heart filled with gratitude and praise can not be anxious in that moment. Looking at the condition of the world, what many of us are experiencing in our souls, is there anything more needed, more powerful, than lifting our souls and telling our Savior how much we love Him? Thus, this years SANCTUS 2024 is about fostering "We Love You, Jesus" dispositions in our souls, marriages, families and in our homes.
God is about a great thing. We can't do it by ourselves. While registration is not out yet, we would be most grateful if you would review below and reply. Thank you.
This year, our regional Catholic Family Gathering will occur on Saturday, November 9, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Lourdes. Following the Feasts of All Saints and Souls, heading into Advent, it will be a fabulous all-family faith experience through three engaging movements:
(1) The Walt and Liz Erickson family will share their challenges and successes in making their home a place of encounter with Jesus Christ; (2) With families circled up, we'll lead an engaging Live IT Gathering experience and; (3) We'll process into the church with a concluding IGNITE-type adoration.
We would be very grateful for your reply indicating which best corresponds (and any other feedback or questions you might have):
OPTION 1: We'll be there; invite others, and please let us know how we can help (you can name us on the "team")! OPTION 2: We commit to being there, invite others, and spread the word! OPTION 3: Awesome idea! We commit to being there! OPTION 4: We're interested but short of committing right now. OPTION 5: We're not interested.
We're seeking sponsorships to cover most of the costs. Please let us know if you can help us find sponsors.
We will also host a special IGNITE on Friday (11/8) and a special event for "grandparents, young and old" on Sunday (11/10) with Peter and Debbie Herbeck, both at Our Lady of Lourdes.
We are so blessed to be united with you in mission! |
Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Image Trinity | Mass Impact Feedback welcome: Greg@MassImpact.us
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We would be so grateful for your partnership.
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EPISODE 438: Sacred Squabbling the Spice of Life with Greg & Stephanie Get ready for some real talk—and maybe a little playful bickering—with Greg and Stephanie Schlueter on IGNITE Radio Live! Where deep faith meets a dash of feist because, let’s face it, life isn’t about everyone agreeing all the time. It’s about finding joy even in the squabbles! Armed with the weekly Live IT Gathering Guide, they show how a little friendly friction can spark divine connection. So, pour your favorite drink, pull up a chair, and join them for a whimsical ride full of love, laughs, and just the right amount of drama. Get the guide on the Live IT App or at ILoveMyFamily.us—and jump into the fun!
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.
♣ Mark you calendar for SANCTUS 2024
➔ Friday, November 8 | EVERYONE: An IGNITE night of worship. ➔ Saturday, November 9 | FAMILIES: A family retreat from 9:30-11:30 a.m., followed by a high school youth session from 12:00-2 p.m.
➔ Sunday, November 10 | GRANDPARENTS YOUNG & OLD
A special evening for grandparents young and old (likely 50-90-somethings), offering encouragement and insight into their pivotal role in moving the Kingdom forward, keynoted by Peter and Deb Herbeck.
♣ A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
♣ At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us) Get our Live IT App with all the things! (MassImpact.us/APP)
♣ #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON! My first book and ebook, "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville" (Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale) is available in paperback, hardcopy, Kindle, Audible, Audiobook and iTunes. In the depths, beyond the shallows of politics, is our deepest aspiration for belonging and becoming, which takes place on a battlefield. ORDER See the book-movie trailer at Squigglesprout.com.
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