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Recently our son released his first song as a signed recording artist, "Counting My Blessings" (Sony/Provident). Thus, as it's been reverberating through my soul, I've been reflecting on the power of gratitude. Which prompted my finding this very insightful and impactful article.
SUMMARY: NEUROSCIENTIST GLENN FOX was skeptical about the power of gratitude. Until he decided to keep a gratitude journal after grieving his mother's passing. This decision marked the beginning of his transformation, from a researcher studying gratitude to one who would personally discover its extraordinary benefits. Gratitude fosters pro-social emotions, creating enduring connections, vital for human survival and flourishing. Including healing from trauma. Gratitude links to other emotions, like love and trust, and has myriad positive effects on health, including stress reduction and improved immune system, blood pressure, and heart function.
In fact, the part of the brain responsible for anxiety is the same responsible for gratitude. Practical guidance in obliterating anxiety in your soul: Count your blessings! Now let me ask, given awareness of this superpower, what if somehow we could do more than merely cultivate an attitude of gratitude, but literally partake of its essence? To literally consume gratitude? Glad you asked.
THE EARLY CHURCH unequivocally held the belief that the consecrated bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ during the Mass—a profound mystery that transcends human understanding. This transformative act of Communion allows believers to partake in Christ's sacrifice, receiving His healing grace and forging a deep connection with the Divine.
THE WORD "EUCHARIST" originates from the Greek word "eucharistia," which translates to "thanksgiving." Or, gratitude. This linguistic connection holds great significance. Just as gratitude journaling has been shown to enhance mental well-being, the Eucharist invites us to cultivate a spirit of thankfulness at the very core of our being. Beyond mere words, this Sacrament enables us to express gratitude by uniting ourselves with Christ's self-giving act on the Cross. Through the Eucharist, we embark on a journey of internal transformation, shifting our focus from distress to gratitude, thereby paving the way for healing and renewal.
JUST AS GLENN FOX'S JOURNEY of gratitude transformed his grief, the practice of receiving the Eucharist is Christ's unsurpassed gift of His very self, uplifting those who are burdened with distress, anxiety, and suffering. Received in faith, the Eucharist is the superpower given to transform our lives. In the Eucharist we intimately partake in Christ's very Presence, His Supreme Act of self-giving love, giving humanity the opportunity to experience the fullness of life, flourishing not only spiritually but in all aspects of existence, in this world and through all eternity.
You can find robust communities of real people truly striving to live this life in its fullness everywhere, but we certainly invite you to connect with our movement with Mass Impact at CatholicRevival.us. In Christ's love,
Greg & Stephanie Schlueter Mass Impact | Image Trinity (814) 449-8808 | Greg@MassImpact.us
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For over ten years we've been helping thousands of families make their homes places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ. We're motivated because, beyond great programs, homes are "the cornerstone of civilization." (Pope St. John Paul II). We've committed to significant opportunities to reach even further. We need your help. No amount is too small or too great. Thank you in advance!
| | | LIVE IT THIS WEEK: "UNBOUND BELIEF" | August 21-27, 2023 A simple guide to help your family grow in holiness. (full version)
FUN QUESTION: What would everyone guess your answer would be to the question: "If you could only keep music from one artist, whom would it be?" (submit your fun question) LIVE IT TIDBIT View our new, fun, 60 second story and message at ILoveMyFamily.us.
GOSPEL | Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus went into the region of Caesarea Philippi and he asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" They replied, "Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter said in reply, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus said to him in reply, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah. For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father. And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Then he strictly ordered his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.
QUESTION: What struck you in this reading? Challenged you? Inspired you? What questions did it raise?
YOU IMAGE THE TRINITY: LIVE IT Going around, affirm how you have been blessed and/or inspired by each person this past week. Encourage him/her.
DAILY QUESTIONS:. Everyone go around and share... 1) Something you’re grateful for? 2) A recent victory? 3) A current challenge? 4) An affirmation of someone? 5) Something meaningful happening?
GET FULL LIT GUIDE AND FIND OUT MORE AT ILOVEMYFAMILY.US We are families united in more fully seeking, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. |
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EPISODE 387: CHRIST'S CLASSROOM | Guest: Matt Daniels, Senior Director of Catholic Education, Diocese of Toledo
In our deepest heart each of us is yearning for meaningful, ever-deepening encounter with and life in Jesus Christ. For this, education exists. On the practical side: What is the vision of Catholic education? What meaningful, impacting difference can it make for parents and entire families? Where is the Catholic Diocese of Toledo at in that continuum of attaining that excellence? What are the challenges? How does the new education choice law make Catholic education much more affordable? Join us in this candid, honest, inspiring deep-dive into the real purpose, challenges, and opportunities of Catholic education with Matt Daniels, Senior Director of in the Diocese of Toledo.
| | | PREACH IT On Sunday's Gospel (video)
To Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered what nobody else could: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
See, when you have that kind of faith, this applies not only to leaders, but it applies to us too [in a particular way]. When we don't forgive people, we bind them up, and we bind ourselves up with this underlying negativity. You don't want that in your life. Love everybody, forgive everybody – boom, let it go, let it go – be freed, be loosed.
For those of you who are muted by judgment and condemnation of yourself or of others, you don't just bind them, you bind yourself up. So, when you bind up the devil, a double negative is a positive – you bind the binder, you are negative to the negativity, and you end up with positivity. It's all a mathematical principle.
So, if you're really, really walking with the same faith that Peter had in Jesus Christ, then you also bind and loose. You don't do it as a bishop or as a pope, but we do it personally with each other. I pray that you are freeing people up to follow Jesus, that you're being freed up to follow Jesus – free of judgment of other people, of anger, of hurt, of discouragement, of depression – that you're free of these things that bind you up in the name of Jesus. And that you also bind up the things that are binding you up and don't let them back into your life.
I know I give them up and then I take them back, I give them up and I take them back – well, guess what? You finally have to say, St. Benedict's Rule says, "If you're willing to die to self-will once and for all, it can be done for you." So, if you say, "I'm not gonna dally with this stuff, I'm not gonna toy with or play around with it, I'm done with it, I follow Jesus," then you're gonna be set free, and you're gonna set everybody else free too.
That's my prayer for you guys. I love you. All things are possible with God. |
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II