During weekly adoration I was struck by Christ's boldness. His audacity. There on the altar. In the dimly lit room. Most of the world would have completely missed it. The unsurpassed majesty, power and purpose of it all. There were no flashing lights. No sea of enthusiastic people. No soaring music. No compelling national speakers. No highly produced videos. No discussion of great ideas or plans.
Just a couple of us and Jesus Christ. God of the universe. In and through Whom all existence is held. In Whom we find our being. Just as at the Last Supper. And consequential moments throughout history. I'm talking about Him who calms the seas. Walks on the water. Heals the sick. Comforts the the sorrowing. Awakens the dead. Heals our wounds. Forgives our sins. Restores us to life.
Just Jesus. Right there. Humbled. Before me.
How amazing, incredible, incomprehensible that of all in need of being “done” in this world—He, Jesus Christ, King of the Universe—simply wants us. Wants to draw us into His Heart. Wants us to be aware of Him. Whose we are in Him. Wants to gaze upon us. That our hearts might return the gaze. That we might be caught up into the kind of “ecstatic love dance” that defines the nature of the Holy Trinity. Of which we are the fabric. For which we are made. A kind of totality of mutual self gift, intimacy, the likes of which Scripture and Saints have spoken throughout the ages.
So much more than whatever we may accomplish, adoration of God is the heart of it all. The unsurpassed place we grow in friendship with Him. In ever greater intimacy. The unsurpassed purpose of our very being. Wherein we discover streams of Living Water. Flooding us from the heavenly realms into the deepest recesses of our souls. Refreshing. Healing. Restoring. Reviving.
To overflow. ---------------------------------------------
There is nothing we enjoy more than authentic, meaningful connection with people in our home. We delight in fostering friendships with people who share a common mission, as an occasion of journeying together over time.
Keeping November 8-10 on your calendar for our second SANCTUS weekend (featuring a special evening for Grandparents with Peter & Deb Herbeck on Sunday, November 10), spaces are now filling for the below which begin in a couple weeks: Mission One Series for Catholic Couples
5 Weeks from Sept-Oct | 7-9PM | 3 Groups (Mon, Tue, Wed) | 5 Couples/Group |
| Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Image Trinity | Mass Impact Feedback welcome: Greg@MassImpact.us
If you are a grandparent and interested in helping give wings to a Catholic grandparent movement seeking to reclaim and form our children and grandchildren for the Kingdom: GO. We very much welcome your partnership right now.
| | | | AN URGENT APPEAL: Our nonprofit movement has been making a significant impact on marriages and families. We are so grateful for the prayers and support of monthly partners whose generosity currently covers about 50%. This mission would be so blessed to reach 100%. Thank you so much for your consideration.
We would be so grateful for your partnership.
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EPISODE 434: THE TRANSFORMING POWER OF CHRIST'S PRESENCE With all happening in the world, nothing is more consequential than Christ's real, transforming, healing presence in the Eucharist. Are we truly receiving? We share stories and punctuate this by reading Dr. Bob Schucht's article, "The Healing Power of the Eucharist."
We discuss great opportunities for married couples and individuals beginning in September, including Mission One 5-week series for married couples (email: Alive@MassImpact.us) and Rescue Project: Home Edition (CatholicRevival.us). We punctuate the prominent call for spiritual consumers to become multipliers.
Also in this episode, we dive into the Gospel: "Who can accept it?" (John 6:60-69)
And we discuss consequential news stories from The Loop (https://join.catholicvote.org/43908073/)
- DNC Attendees to Be Offered Free Abortions
- Harley-Davidson Responds to Anti-‘Woke’ Customer Base
- California Mayor Moves to Protect Parents, Children
- Women Celebrate Blocking of Title IX Rewrite
- WaPo Editorial Board Turn Against Harris’ Economic Policy
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.
♣ A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
♣ At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us) Get our Live IT App with all the things! (MassImpact.us/APP)
♣ #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON! My first book and ebook, "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville" (Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale) is available in paperback, hardcopy, Kindle, Audible, Audiobook and iTunes. In the depths, beyond the shallows of politics, is our deepest aspiration for belonging and becoming, which takes place on a battlefield. ORDER See the book-movie trailer at Squigglesprout.com.
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