Subject: KINGDOM UPDATE: The Day After the Fourth

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& Our Present Revolution

It’s the day after the Fourth of July. The spectacular flashes of light and booming have ceased. Short of some meaningful prayer and spirited family oration of epic quotes on the day's significance, right now, I’m fighting to retain the meaning—something more than that of my Weber grill still proudly perched just off the deck, gloating at its triumph of award-winning wood-smoked burgers and chicken.

So, again, it's the day after the Fourth. Ironically, in this moment, I’ve been suddenly struck by my captivity to entitled vacation brain. And I’m challenged: What should matter to me? What did we just celebrate? What did it cost? What does it mean? Particularly in light of our present ecclesial, political, cultural, and moral tumult, with so many signs of human brokenness, what do these times demand of me? What is our revolution?

For a moment, please go there with me. In the sweltering heat of July 1776, fifty-six men gathered in the Pennsylvania State House, now known as Independence Hall, to sign a document that would irrevocably alter the course of history: the Declaration of Independence. These men, representing the thirteen American colonies, boldly declared their separation from British rule, an act of profound courage and conviction.

What they had done. By signing the Declaration of Independence, they didn't just call it a day. Life didn't just continue as it had been. These men committed an act of treason against the British Crown. They articulated a vision of a nation founded on the principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance, asserting that all men are created equal and endowed with unalienable rights. Their signatures symbolized a unified stand against tyranny and an unwavering commitment to these ideals.

What was at stake. The day after the Fourth, and each day following, the stakes could not have been higher. Each signatory knew that, should the revolution fail, they would face execution for treason. They risked their own lives and the safety and security of their families and fortunes. Many of them were affluent and respected members of society—lawyers, merchants, planters—but in this moment, they chose to pursue liberty above their interests. The following war would be long and brutal, testing their resolve and the principles they had pledged to uphold.

It changed their lives. The decision to declare independence transformed these men from British subjects into revolutionaries. Their lives were thrust into tumult and uncertainty. Many faced financial ruin, imprisonment, and the loss of their homes. Some, like Thomas Nelson Jr., who personally financed troops, saw their wealth dissipate. Others, such as John Hart, had to flee their homes, leaving behind everything they had built.

They changed the world. Despite the hardships, their commitment to the cause of independence never wavered. The Declaration became a beacon of hope and a rallying cry for the fledgling nation. It reshaped their identities, not merely as colonists but as founders of a new, sovereign nation. Their worldview expanded beyond the confines of British colonial rule to embrace the radical notion that people could govern themselves, free from tyranny.

The signing of the Declaration of Independence was more than a political act; it was a profound statement of human potential and the transformative power of collective will. Through their bravery and vision, these fifty-six men set the foundation for a nation built on the principles of freedom and democracy, forever changing their lives and the course of history.

Our revolution now. The day you were baptized was more revolutionary and radical than all of that. On that day, you were not only declared for Jesus Christ, you were conformed to His nature. Make no mistake: This was not simply a funsy, ceremonial day of cake and presents: it was a declaration of war. The Greatest War. One with eternal consequences. From the beginning, this War has reverberated throughout the heavenlies. The moment you were baptized, you were made a citizen of the eternal Kingdom.

Now, this is consequential: While our Enemy has no power to change our nature, It does have the power to distract. Such that we come to desire anything other than God, at any time. Which isn't simply revealed in one committing the “biggie” sins (sins of commission); it's most notable in our neglecting to be attuned to His heart and acting even in the “small” things (sins of omission).

This is our time. Fatima. Akita. Garabandal.* Medjugorje.* God is speaking from the heavens. Affirming Church teaching of the urgency of this moment, we are being called to great repentance and to pray from the heart. In sum, to get serious about the War.

We are a world in need of more than consumers. We need more than Catholic program junkies who cycle through one program after another, without real growth. We need to be about becoming intentional disciples of Jesus Christ, which means multiplying.

This will require helping many recognize and develop muscles they didn’t know they had.

What we need to do. We’re on the battlefield. We’ve been baptized. The War will not be won by consumers. Our Commander in Chief is calling for multipliers. Which is to say, those who take their baptized nature seriously; believers whose hearts burn with the love of the Father for His Children.

With our hearts filled with the hope and promise of something so much more consequential than a fleeting nation, like the revolutionaries before us, this means defining purpose. And audacity. It means stretching. And risk. It means our lives.

What if? Right now, can you think of one person outside the folds of the Catholic Faith? A family member, a friend, someone at work? You can be the eternal difference-maker. A multiplier. A disciple. Invite him/her to join you for a nine-week adventure in partnership with Fr. John Riccardo / Acts XXIX. Beginning in September, our mission is not simply “another program.”

Gathering every week, we are about fostering deep, meaningful bonds of missioned friendship—growth contexts with the potential to reverberate throughout this area.

The declaration for our eternal life has already been made; what remains for us is to decide to live it. If we say yes right now, we will see souls in heaven who would not have been there had we said “no.”

Calling Catholic Revolutionaries.
Please go here:


Please join us in more fully seeking to live the transformation we profess. Beyond programs and events, dare to discover Jesus Christ in missioned friendship. We believe that together we can profoundly impact this world for now and future generations. 
We have a big vision to make our missioned friendship-building capacity all the more available. Please partner with us in prayer and financial support.

God bless you!
Greg & Stephanie Schlueter,
Image Trinity | Mass Impact
Feedback welcome:

If you are a grandparent and interested in helping give wings to a Catholic grandparent movement seeking to reclaim and form our children and grandchildren for the Kingdom: GO. We very much welcome your partnership right now. More to come!

Our nonprofit movement has been making a significant impact on marriages and families. We are so grateful for the prayers and support of monthly partners whose generosity currently covers about 50%. This mission would be so blessed to reach 100%. Thank you so much for your consideration.

We would be so grateful for your partnership.


We are about friendships on a mission. Amidst usual stories of blessings over the past week, including the Rybka wedding, hosting priests for the Encounter Conference, and others, Greg shares the remarkable story of his pilgrimage to Medjugorje back in June of 1991, on the the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Our Lady's (purported) apparitions there. In the context of sharing this Sunday's Gospel, he also shares an incredible story of a conversion of gang members at a Youth 2000 around that same time. LISTEN / WATCH NOW

Also in this episode, we do a deeper dive into the Gospel:
"I shall be cured." (Mk 5:21-43)

And we discuss these consequential news stories from The Loop (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠)
  • Majority of U.S. Jesuit Universities Promoted ‘Pride’ Month
  • SCOTUS to Hear Biden’s Challenge of Law Protecting Kids
  • China Has Bought Farmland Near U.S. Military Bases
  • Doctor Teamed Up With Activists to Push ‘Trans’ on Kids
  • Louisiana Guv Signs Universal School Choice
  • Leading Pornography Site to Flee Five More States
  • Pro-Life Song Cracks iTunes Country Top 10
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.

♣ A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (

♣ At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. ( Get our Live IT App with all the things! (

♣ #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON! My first book and ebook, "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville" (Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale) is available in paperback, hardcopy, Kindle, Audible, Audiobook and iTunes. In the depths, beyond the shallows of politics, is our deepest aspiration for belonging and becoming, which takes place on a battlefield. ORDER See the book-movie trailer at


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