| |  | This past weekend, many experienced God’s grace poured out over three extraordinary days. Throughout, we emphasized that the most consequential election, surpassing all earthly powers, is God’s election of each of us as His beloved sons and daughters through Baptism.
What’s distinctive about our mission: We go beyond impactful movements of encounter by providing a vision, plan, tools and heartfelt accompaniment for individuals, couples, and families to cultivate those seeds. We are passionate about homes becoming vibrant, saint-making cultures that radiate God’s beautiful design.
Listen now to this week’s episode of IGNITE Radio Live. The Walt & Liz Erickson family share three pivotal decisions that transformed their family’s life. It’s followed by the wit and wisdom of Fr. David Kidd, inviting us to go “all in” on this journey.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 10, 6:30 P.M. for our Presence for Christmas, taking place at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Toledo.
We have been praying for new missioned friends who might share our joy of seeing families come alive in the fullness of their identity and mission, beyond moments to a way of life. This is truly "the cornerstone of civilization" (Pope St. John Paul II). Please consider partnering with us, both in prayer and financial support, so that we can continue this vital work.
Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Image Trinity | Mass Impact Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808
| EPISODE 445: The Catholic Family Gathering with the Erickson Family & Fr. David Kidd | SANCTUS 2024
In this week’s episode of IGNITE Radio Live, we bring you highlights from The Catholic Family Gathering during our Sanctus 2024 weekend. Walt and Liz Ericson, joined by their eldest daughters Ally and Isabella, answer the profound question: “What are three big decisions you made that made a difference?” Following this, Fr. David Kidd, on the occasion of his grandparents' 67th anniversary, with great wit and wisdom, invites us to be all-in. The most significant election is God’s election of each of us as His beloved sons and daughters, ever inviting us to live out that identity and mission with purpose. Listen now to this powerful episode, and don’t miss next week’s feature with Peter and Debbie Herbeck at the The Catholic Grandparent Gathering. Join us! As always, your comments are always encouraged: Greg@MassImpact.us. |
| JOIN US FOR PRESENCE FOR CHRISTMAS 2024 TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 6:30 P.M. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Toledo
| ROCK ALBUM Forged by Fairytales Inspired by G.K. Chesterton, the band Shatterglass Scallywags (named after the revolutionary piglets in Magnificent Piglets) is releasing a new fairytale-inspired song every week. LISTEN NOW to the title track, "Forged by Fairytales."
10/18 Brothers Bound (Billy Goats Gruff) 10/25 Beauty Never Sleeps (Sleeping Beauty) 11/1 Steward Of Souls (Pied Piper) 11/8 Dungeons Of Disdain (Hansel & Gretel)
11/15 Rise Up, Brothers! (Man Anthem)
| | We are deeply grateful for your friendship and for standing with us as we work to transform families through a vibrant culture of faith. Thanks to the support of many, our mission is impacting the heart of innumerable homes. Your contribution will help us reach even more families and build a lasting legacy for Christ and His Church.
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