| THE REAL MEANING OF WINNING Quick Take on Politics During the RNC A would-be assassin's bullet miraculously missed Donald Trump, but tragically claimed the life of a heroic husband and father. This heart-wrenching event forces us to confront questions about the soul of America, what truly matters most, and what kind of "winning" we are really pursuing.
As the Republican National Convention unfolds, many will be swept up in the exuberance and spectacle of it all. Yet, amidst the grandeur and magnificence we witness on the surface, it's essential to recognize that true significance often lies in what is hidden beneath. This principle is beautifully exemplified by the Basilica of San Clemente in Rome. Two excavations beneath the majestic church lies a first-century Roman home, where early Christians gathered in secrecy, laying the foundation of a faith that transcends earthly powers.
As we navigate the political events of this week, let us remember that while the excitement of conventions and political campaigns may capture attention, true victory and fulfillment come from a deeper place. It is in our daily encounters with Jesus Christ, within the sanctuary of our homes and families, that we find the enduring strength and purpose to shape a world aligned with God's will.
If you're into rock, here's an impactful song just released, an anthem for our nation based upon 2 Chronicles 7:14 - 714 (Heal Our Land).
--------------------- We have a big vision to unite families in building the Kingdom. Please partner with us in prayer and financial support. God bless you!
| Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Image Trinity | Mass Impact Feedback welcome: Greg@MassImpact.us
If you are a grandparent and interested in helping give wings to a Catholic grandparent movement seeking to reclaim and form our children and grandchildren for the Kingdom: GO. We very much welcome your partnership right now. More to come!
| | AN URGENT APPEAL: Our nonprofit movement has been making a significant impact on marriages and families. We are so grateful for the prayers and support of monthly partners whose generosity currently covers about 50%. This mission would be so blessed to reach 100%. Thank you so much for your consideration.
We would be so grateful for your partnership.
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We are about friendships on a mission. We're proclaiming and pursuing heaven come to earth. Following stories of blessings over the past week and the Gospel, we feature Dr. Steve Kebe's genuine, personal testimony of discovering the Father's love. Dr. Steve and Becky are parents of eleven children and over thirty grandchildren. They've been very engaged Catholic leaders in the Columbus community.
Also in this episode, we dive into the Gospel: "I shall be cured." (Mk 5:21-43) And we discuss these consequential news stories from The Loop (https://join.catholicvote.org/43908073/)
- Trump Survives Attempt on His Life
- Report: Biden Admin Denied Requests from Trump Security Detail
- ABC News Scrutinized for Blaming Trump and Supporters
- Slain Trump Supporter Was Hero Firefighter
- Melania Trump Says Country Must Reunite
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.
♣ A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
♣ At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us) Get our Live IT App with all the things! (MassImpact.us/APP)
♣ #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON! My first book and ebook, "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville" (Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale) is available in paperback, hardcopy, Kindle, Audible, Audiobook and iTunes. In the depths, beyond the shallows of politics, is our deepest aspiration for belonging and becoming, which takes place on a battlefield. ORDER See the book-movie trailer at Squigglesprout.com.
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