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WE ARE GREG & STEPHANIE SCHLUETER. Married over 25 years and blessed with six children. In seven years. To answer your brain spasms: Yes, we have a TV. No, we're not from Utah. Yes, we know "how it works." No, we aren't rich. Yes, they're all ours.
BY TODAY'S STANDARDS, we're an anomaly. An endangered species. We're caucasion. Christian. Conservative. We are as flawed as the next. But we do not presume to erase attainable heights because we fall short.
In the interests of a fully-human excellence, becoming the best versions of ourselves, we’re about a home-culture forged by classical education. That means we seek to be guided by an obective truth and good we do not presume to create, but in Whom we are created. The value of which is punctuated by every biography ever told, every life ever lived: We can’t so much break the moral law, only be broken against it. (Cecil B. DeMille) This is applicable to everyone. Regardless of race, gender or creed.
Accordingly, we are about being blessed blessers. Difference-makers. Kingdom builders. With ultimate respect for every person's freedom.
BEFORE YOU DISMISS US AS "CHRISTO-FASCIST," home school for us was about forging them in virtue. To have great hearts for all others. To know and personally own their convictions. To become the best versions of themselves. Accordingly, each was offered top scholarships to colleges. For years they impacted many through a city-wide, weekly program they created. They gave keynote talks at small and large events. They were frequent guests on the radio. They created viral video content. They've loved and prayed over people young and old, poor and rich, black and white through so many occasions. Some with miraculous effects.
Their collective high school legacy includes running marathons, opening for Grammy-nominated artists, setting high school XC records, starring on club soccer teams, leading in musicals, and originating podcasts more popular than ESPN's... all really working their butts off at a variety of different jobs.
Mostly, as all above is marked by "worship," which means "to give worth," each came to discover and own a living relationship with Jesus Christ marked by a daily prayer life and pursuit of ever-greater holiness.
ALL SEEDS IN NEED OF CONSTANT CULTIVATION, as of a few weeks ago now are all adults. Here is a portrait: - Seph is a recording artist for Sony/Provident
- Dominic is driving his "The Running Effect" podcast/company with major corporate sponsors, more popular than ESPN's
- John Paul, a top graduate of Hillsdale College, is working for an amazing firm in Austin Texas (Rex) that is a leading innovator in the real estate and technology nexus
- Grace is a Catholic missionary soon to spend a year evangelizing with NET Scotland
- Anne Marie Stroud is an amazing wife and mother, impacting so many as a social media influencer and "Crunchy" leader (married to Colin, a godly husband, father, business leader, and triathlon competitor)
- Catherine exudes wisdom, purpose, and joy forged by illness, taking some time off from Hillsdale College to heal from mold toxicity
WE CARE SO MUCH about the capacity for real-human excellence that we began a non-profit movement committed to fostering it’s most noble capacity: marriage and family. ( ILoveMyFamily.us) Whatever challenges you face, we're in this with you. We believe in you. We want to go further with you. Without judgment. With encouragement. Because nothing is more important. Family is the cornerstone of civilization. ----------------------------------------
We're very excited about Supreme Makeover: Home Edition beginning in September, leading into Sanctus: Eucharistic Family Revival. We need your help. Your prayers, your engagement, feedback, and yes... your financial partnership. Help us build. Spread the word. Pray. Become a monthly partner or share a one-time gift. Please, call us at any time to discuss any of this!
LORD JESUS CHRIST,We trust in You. We believe in You. Help us take big steps in faith.
Greg & Stephanie Schlueter Image Trinity | Mass Impact Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808
| Mass Impact is families united in building the Kingdom. We could really use your help. Please partner with us. Thank you. |
| | | | LIVE IT THIS WEEK: "RISING ANEW" June 26 - July 2, 2023
A simple guide to help your family grow in holiness.
FUN QUESTION: "If you were just hanging out and had to pick music based upon an artist or song, what would it be?" (submit your fun question)
LIVE IT TIDBIT View our new, fun, 60 second story and message at ILoveMyFamily.us.
GOSPEL | Matthew 10:37-42 Jesus said to his apostles: "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
"Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me. Whoever receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and whoever receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man's reward. And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones to drink because the little one is a disciple— amen, I say to you, he will surely not lose his reward."
QUESTION: What struck you in this reading? Challenged you? Inspired you? What questions did it raise?
YOU IMAGE THE TRINITY: LIVE IT Going around, affirm how you have been blessed and/or inspired by each person this past week. Encourage him/her.
DAILY QUESTIONS:. Everyone go around and share... 1) Something you’re grateful for? 2) A recent victory? 3) A current challenge? 4) An affirmation of someone? 5) Something meaningful happening?
FIND OUT MORE AT ILOVEMYFAMILY.US We are families united in more fully seeking, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. |
| Family Live IT (LIT) Gatherings are strengthening marriages and families throughout the country. The road awaits. Join us. |
EPISODE 382: BLESSED THROUGH BROKENNESS: One Man's Story of Family Transformation with Dr. Steve Kebe & Tom Kurtz
Dr. Steve Kebe is a husband and father of a very well known and beloved Catholic family in the Columbus area. 8 of their 11 children are living it. 3 are on the journey.
Along with Tom Kurtz, Steve is so candid, vulnerable and wise about family transformation. At 27:45 he begins sharing how Bob Schuchts' "Healing the Whole Person" retreat impacted him and children present. He talks about the impact of his family-of-origin "daddy wound." Understanding his brokenness. Kids feeling they were a disappointment. Core identity. How all this has paved the way to a tremendous new space of grace. This is for all striving to be faithful Christians, interested in greater family transformation.
Today Jesus says "take up your cross and follow me... whoever does not renounce mother father wife children property for my sake cannot be my disciple."
Here's the deal. When the old self dies, and all of our attachments to the world, and even to ourselves (because you even have to renounce your very self), you'll become a new person. You'll become who you're supposed to be. You'll be able to say with St. Paul, "It's no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me."
Therefore, when people reject you, it's not you they reject. They're rejecting Jesus. So you don't need to be personally offended. You can love everybody. Everybody. And whoever receives you receives not you, but Jesus. Therefore, you can't get proud about it.
You have to just let go and let God. Give up yourself completely. That's what the sacraments are for. That's what liturgy is for. That's what good doctrine is for. That's what the Church is for. That's what monastic communities are for.
All these things are to help us enter into this one, central reality of dying to the old person in Christ, and rising up a new creation. You don't like the world? Change yourself. Let go of that old junky stuff that's in yourself now. Do this and you will change your life. And if you could change your life, you can begin to change the world. That's my prayer for you guys. I love you so much. All things are possible with God!
We want to send you 100 awesome parent prayer blessing cards for your parish or organization. GO: PRAYER CARD
| | | FOR CATHOLIC MEN... who want more than a fleeting moment, but a way of life. GO: PENTECOST 365
| | | LIVE IT APP Amazing resources, events, media and connection in one place. GO: LIVE IT APP |
| | | SANCTUS: EUCHARISTIC FAMILY REVIVAL Help us make this amazing. Get on board with us early! GO: CatholicRevival.us |
| | | IGNITE 7:14 A historic call to prayer. Help us out! GO: IGNITE714.COM |
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II