RESCUE PROJECT: HOME EDITION Fr. John Riccardo invites you to a 9-week adventure beginning the week of January 21. REGISTER FREE
"Are we thermostats or thermometers?" This is the big question Fr. Riccardo recently asked at the Catholic Business Network breakfast. Here's an invitation to respond. Together.
The heart of Christmas is this: When we were lost to a world of darkness, sin, and death, God sent His only Son on a rescue mission. Not simply to be a fact we profess, but a living reality ever-transforming our lives.
At that breakfast I doubt there was a single soul not moved. It left each of us with the question: How will we move?
Right now each of us can think of at least one soul in need of more fully knowing God's love in Jesus Christ. As Fr. Riccardo emphasized, many won't step inside a church. But they will come into your home.
We don't need to be the big evangelists. Fr. Riccardo's "Rescue Project" makes it all possible. It's an incredible, nine-week video series with awesome companion booklets that will reach all regardless of where they're at, including those completely disinterested in the faith, into ever deeper encounter with Jesus Christ.
Here is an opportunity for the tremendous grace of Chirstmas to overflow into 2024. Mass Impact with Annunciation Radio is inviting you right now to get on board Rescue Project: Home Edition. Beginning the week of January 21 and extending up to Holy Week, we do hope you'll consider inviting up to 7 others (8 total) into your home on a weekly basis to host this series (Level 1), or invite a friend to join you in a group (Level 2), or simply to say yes to participating in a group yourself (Level 3).
What if. What if you and all others who read this right now were moved to say "yes"? Imagine an army engaged in leading just one soul more deeply into the heart of Christ. Imagine the difference it will make! Imagine what they might say a year from now as a result of your yes. And at the end of time.
Right now God sees the poverty of that one person in your heart, and He's appointed you as the provision. Say yes. We're pouring into this. We will do all we can to support you.
In this final week of Advent, be flooded with Christmas grace. Plan on joining us for "One Holy Night" (Presence for Christmas) this Wednesday, 6:45p, St. John the Baptist, Point Place. Together let's do this.
OUR MISSION: We're about uniting families in building the Kingdom. We help families make their homes places of saint-making, culture-building, and territory-taking disciples of Jesus Christ. Over the past ten years, thousands have been blessed by a "family roadmap." We've been united in gathering in our respective homes on a weekly basis to talk and pray using a fun, meaningful "Live IT Gathering Guide" based on subsequent Sunday readings. Get your free LIT Guide at ILoveMyFamily.us or the Live IT App at MassImpact.us/APP. Commit right now to a special Rescue Mission: Home Edition, plugged into Fr. John Riccardo's tremendous, nine-week series beginning the week of January 21 up till Holy Week.
Right now we are in particular need, and would be so grateful for your prayers, engagement, and Partnership.
Holy Spirit, come!
Greg Schlueter Mass Impact | Image Trinity Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808