SHORT FAMILY PROTRAIT: Sheri's husband, Todd Glenaman, passed away on July 4, 2007. Her daughter, Grace Catherine, attends the University of Kentucky. She is a parishioner at St. Paul, Norwalk. She is the controller for Image Trinity and is active in Magnificat.
What is your business and what do you love most about it? I own and run All in One Payroll. I do Quickbooks, Taxes and Payroll. I love doing accounting work. It is something I can do from home. I can set my own hours which gives me the flexibility for prayer if I get the calling in the middle of my day!
How did you get into your business? I received my bachelor degree in Accounting and Forensic Accounting from Franklin University. I started helping small businesses who were just starting out get their required tax identification number for both federal and state. Then I would get them setup in Quickbooks.
Favorite music: Country or Christian. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is something I listen to several times a day! It relieves my stress and brings God back to the center of my day!
Favorite family movie: Sound of Music
Favorite family vacation: Asheville, North Carolina
If you had to eat any food for a week and it was 100% healthy, what would it be? Pizza Rolls
Book that's made a difference in your life: Rediscover Jesus by Matthew Kelly
Something difficult in life that made you a better person today: The death of my husband left me with a 4 year-old daddy’s girl and really left me questioning God and why He would let this happen. After the anger began to clear with daily prayer, my relationship with God started becoming more intimate. I was able to offer up the things I couldn’t control and know that God is by my side always!
Some of the best advice you've been given you seek to follow today: My grandma Ida taught me the importance of praying the rosary every day!
Source of great inspiration in your life: Bible
Short story of owning your Catholic faith: I am a cradle-Catholic brought up going to church every Sunday and praying as a family daily. I attended Catholic schools for 10 years. My faith is at the center of my daily life.
Favorite scripture passage or quote: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Short story of how you met your spouse: We met at work and after one year of working together we were set up by friends on a date and we were together from that day forward. He blessed me with my beautiful daughter!
CONTACT SHERI GLENAMAN | ALL IN ONE PAYROLL Address: Address: 59 Harris Ave, Norwalk, Ohio, 44857 Phone: (419) 602-4091
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March 14- 20, 2022 Lenten Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Here are opportunities to build the Kingdom. Receive life-giving, renewing, transforming grace being outpoured and overflow!
Our world is pining for good news. God's supply is you. Last year we shared 54 moving stories that touched thousands! We are hoping to publish of these by the end of this year. Here's your town: in 750 words or less, share your short "God With Us" story. Contact below.
NEW! Kingdom Business Builder personal profile. Kingdom Builders are dynamic Catholic leaders committed to professional excellence and building the Kingdom. Find out more at MassImpact.us/KINGDOM. See poster below. NEW! Belief & Beverage Nights are the third Thursday every month at GMC of Perrysburg (Cronin Auto Family). We're very excited to be featuring dynamic clergy this season, with the theme: "Know the King, Build the Kingdom." Register at MassImpact.us/BNB. See poster below.
NEW! Parish Parent Prayer Project. Asking for just $15 donation, enough to send you 100 awesome prayer blessing cards for your parish. GO
NEW! Live IT Gathering Guide and LIT TV episode featuring the Humason Family. Check it out at ILoveMyFamily.us.
FINALLY, we are families united in discovering, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. This movement is fueled by your prayers, engagement and financial partnership. Find out more at MassImpact.us/PARTNER.
So blessed to be united in building the Kingdom, |
| Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Image Trinity | Mass Impact
Email: Greg@MassImpact.us Call: (814) 449-8808 WEB: ILoveMyFamily.us |
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| | | | | | | Family Live IT (LIT) Gatherings are strengthening marriages and families throughout the country. The road awaits. Join us. |
Your donation of $15 will cover costs of our sending you 100 awesome parent prayer blessing cards for your parish. GO: PRAYER CARD
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II
We are families seeking to make our homes places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ.