| | A good number of years ago I was watching my sons' basketball game. I seemed to be surrounded by little fat kids. Zombified by devices. Grimy hands digging into bags of chips. Particles cascading everywhere. I’M NOT GOING O SUGARCOAT THIS. Sometimes you have to just face your unconverted self. You have to stand before God without your disguise. Be before Him and others, not as you’d want them to see you, but as you really are. So, here I am! And I have to say it took everything in me not to lean over and whisper: “You know what? You’re fat. Really fat. Jabba the Hut started out like this. You don’t need a snack. You need a treadmill.”
SMUGLY AMUSED BY THESE UGLY THOUGHTS, the Holy Spirit spoke to my inmost spirit: “Now that I’ve got your attention, let me tell you something. I love you. There's no love without truth. You’re fat. Really, really fat! The Pharisees started out like you! Made for complete beatitude in Me, but choosing to be filled with so much junk. How’s that working out for you?”
MY EYES WERE OPENED. He allowed me to see the “chips” in my life. So many different forms. Partaking one after another. Remaining all the more hungry. And He showed me all the “devices” in my life. All the ways I was pining for fulfillment where it can not be found.
And into this ugly, spiritual cesspool of my soul, He clearly spoke these words: “You want to know what you really are? You want to know what I really think of you?”
YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE You don’t need a snack. You don’t need a drink. You don’t need to be filled with junk. You don’t need that new thing. You don’t need to check. You don’t need emotional turmoil. You don’t need the bad memory. You don’t need self-contempt. You don’t need the whispering lies. You don’t need the abuse. You don’t need to retaliate. You don’t need the anguish. You don’t need to be admired. You don’t need to be consulted. You don’t need to be included. You don’t need to run. You don’t need to hide. You don’t need to make excuses. You don’t need to be needed. You don’t need to be the savior.
Turn to Me. I became like you. So you could become like me. Pouring it all out on a Cross. For Love of you. That you might rediscover Me. Your Master. Be Mastered. I will give you self-mastery.
Be My Masterpiece.
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April 11-17, 2022 Lenten Blessings in Jesus Christ,
Here are opportunities to build the Kingdom. Receive life-giving, renewing, transforming grace being outpoured and overflow!
Our world is pining for good news. God's supply is you. Last year we shared 54 moving stories that touched thousands! We are hoping to publish of these by the end of this year. It's your turn: In 750 words or less, share your "God With Us" story. Contact below.
NEW! Kingdom Business Builder personal profile. Kingdom Builders are dynamic Catholic leaders committed to professional excellence and building the Kingdom. Find out more at MassImpact.us/KINGDOM. See poster below. NEW! Belief & Beverage Nights are the third Thursday every month at GMC of Perrysburg (Cronin Auto Family). We're very excited to be featuring dynamic clergy this season, with the theme: "Know the King, Build the Kingdom." Register at MassImpact.us/BNB. See poster below.
NEW! Parish Parent Prayer Project. We want to send you 100 awesome prayer blessing cards for your parish. GO
NEW! Live IT Gathering Guide and LIT TV episode featuring Grace Schlueter. Check it out at ILoveMyFamily.us.
FINALLY, we are families united in discovering, proclaiming, living and building the Kingdom. This movement is fueled by your prayers, engagement and financial partnership. Find out more at MassImpact.us/PARTNER.
So blessed to be united in building the Kingdom, |
| Greg and Stephanie Schlueter Image Trinity | Mass Impact
Email: Greg@MassImpact.us Call: (814) 449-8808 WEB: ILoveMyFamily.us |
| | | | | | | | | | Family Live IT (LIT) Gatherings are strengthening marriages and families throughout the country. The road awaits. Join us. |
We want to send you 100 awesome parent prayer blessing cards for your parish or organization. GO: PRAYER CARD
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"The future of humanity passes by way of the family." ~ Pope St. John Paul II
We are families seeking to make our homes places of ever-deepening encounter with Jesus Christ.