| FROM CONSUMERS TO MULTIPLIERS PARTNER WITH US & FR. JOHN RICCARDO Daily we pray "thy kingdom come." Are we open to an answer? We invite you to make these more than just words. We need it—our marriages, families, and world. More than anything else. An incredible opportunity for someone you know begins in September. The "yes" for us begins right now.
In past decades, there have been more strategic planning, stewardship appeals, special congresses, and numerous uber-awesome, latest-and-greatest events and programs than one can count. Looking at the pews, the state of families, and our world, it’s worth asking: To what end?
We invite you to join us in taking an honest look in the mirror: Do our religious activities reveal us to be about making disciples of Jesus Christ or merely Christian program junkies? Have they resulted in us cultivating lives of dedicated, daily prayer? And making our homes places of saint-formation? Whom do you know right now who is on track to entering the Church as a result of your intentional engagement?
In sum, are we multipliers or merely religious consumers?
The answer to discord in every soul is Jesus Christ—particularly in the form of authentic community. Above all, Jesus made us for Himself. So much more than performance, He is about friendship with us. Jesus most desires a deep, meaningful, authentic connection. In sum, Jesus is about missioned friendship. He is about doing life with us. From this, in His Holy Spirit, we are mobilized for mission. To draw all others in.
His movement of missioned friendship requires we are no longer content with being mere consumers; it requires that we connect with His Heart for us to be multipliers. It requires that we stretch and discover muscles we didn't know we had.
HERE'S THE MOVE. Right now, you can think of at least one person not experiencing the streams of grace by participation in our Catholic faith. “Rescue Project: Home Edition" is an impactful, nine-week series that can reach anyone wherever they are and draw them deeper into the embrace of the Father's love.
We're inviting you to begin praying about that one person. Ask them to join you in our home every week starting in September. Fr. Riccardo and the ACTS XXIX team do the heavy lifting with the video series and companion booklets. Be a part of this most consequential movement, fostering missioned friendships helping us not simply to pray "Thy Kingdom Come," but to becoming instruments of His Answer.
Dear brothers & sisters... It's time for CatholicRevival.us.
--------------------- Please join us in more fully seeking to live the transformation we profess. Beyond programs and events, dare to discover Jesus Christ in missioned friendship. We believe that together we can profoundly impact this world for now and future generations. We have a big vision to make our missioned friendship-building capacity all the more available. Please partner with us in prayer and financial support. God bless you!
| Greg & Stephanie Schlueter, Image Trinity | Mass Impact Feedback welcome: Greg@MassImpact.us
If you are a grandparent and interested in helping give wings to a Catholic grandparent movement seeking to reclaim and form our children and grandchildren for the Kingdom: GO. We very much welcome your partnership right now. More to come!
| | AN URGENT APPEAL: Our nonprofit movement has been making a significant impact on marriages and families. We are so grateful for the prayers and support of monthly partners whose generosity currently covers about 50%. This mission would be so blessed to reach 100%. Thank you so much for your consideration.
We would be so grateful for your partnership.
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AIRING LIVE ON ANNUNCIATION RADIO AT 2P SATURDAY WITH ENCORE 8P SUNDAY. If we're confident that the Church will be protected from error in faith and morals, what can we say when faith and morals have not been protected, at even the highest levels? When those opposed to Church teaching are promoted while those who stand up are reprimanded? What is the Gallen Mafia? Is it Pope Francis or Bergoglio? What has private revelation suggested about these times? Ultimately, regardless, Who is still Boss, what does all this mean for for us today?
We go there because hiding our heads in the sand won't make it disappear. God gave us faith and reason. He calls us to make small-j judgments. There are important implications for a world in desperate need of knowing the life-saving reality of Jesus Christ through His Church.
Frequent guests Jeff Barefoot and Drew Blazsik bring their faith-filled wisdom to these consequential considerations. We invite you to join us. LISTEN / WATCH NOW
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.
♣ A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
♣ At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us) Get our Live IT App with all the things! (MassImpact.us/APP)
♣ #1 NEW RELEASE ON AMAZON! My first book and ebook, "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville" (Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale) is available in paperback, hardcopy, Kindle, Audible, Audiobook and iTunes. In the depths, beyond the shallows of politics, is our deepest aspiration for belonging and becoming, which takes place on a battlefield. ORDER See the book-movie trailer at Squigglesprout.com.
Click here We want to tell your story to thousands. Contact us: (814) 449-8808 |