In Every Sin We Wield the Whip ENTER TRANSFORMING MERCY Image: "Scourging at the Pillar" by JasonJenicke.com MANY OF US WERE PROFOUNDLY moved by the depiction of Christ's tremendous suffering in "Passion of the Christ." Of course, no artistic depiction can adequately capture the true horror of what it was really like. Worse, we run the risk of thinking of ourselves as mere spectators, watching from our comfortable seats, for a relatively fleeting moment. We are participants. Christ's suffering, made present to us in every Mass, punctuates something eternally consquential for each of us. Right now.
AT Rescue Project: Home Edition the men discussed the profound mystery: Why did God's justice demanded such suffering? Such incredible sacrifice. Through His suffering the landscape of our human existence was and is radically changed. His Hand is now reaching down from heaven into the depths of our desolation.
HERE'S THE IMPORTANT THING: It's not enough that He is reaching. Are we reaching up and clasping? While His salvation is "once and for all," our acceptance on this side of things is not. So long as we have free will, at any moment, we can choose for or against. This was proclaimed by Peter: "Be on guard, your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)
GOD FORGED US for such great, unsurpassed intimacy all the time with Him. This is not a matter of feeling or emotions, but of our core character, an unwavering compass, which is forged by choosing Him in everything. As a way of life. At the very heart He wants us to desire what He desires. And note: For Him this meant the Cross! How much more so for us? Such a gift to be purged of lesser things for the greatest. God did this because He is about our ever greater transformation in the right here and right now. (Rom. 12:1-2)
THE BEINNING POINT is recognition of our fallen state. The real, honest, hard truth of our sin, not based upon what we feel, or think, or imagine, but based upon the Truth He Revealed. This Truth is not something we can presume to determine; Truth is Someone in Whom we are determined. Someone Who desires great intimacy.
Please take time with this SOUL EXAM. It is such a great tool to review in depth the many ways we choose to be separate from God. Recognize that in each we consent to Christ being horribly tortured. We wield the whip.
BUT THAT'S NOT THE END! "By His stripes we are healed." (Is. 53:5) Divine blood and water pouring forth from His Body, for the salvation of the world. The strength to have our hearts and minds restored. To feel and think and act according to our nature in God. To desire what He desires. Now and through all eternity. All there for us to receive. Or reject. Right now.
LORD JESUS CHRIST, crucify within me all that is not of You!
JOIN US THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 6:30P "BY HIS WOUNDS" IGNITE Lenten Edition St. John the Baptist Point Place
Under the banner of Mission 2024: Heaven Come to Earth, our radio program (IGNITERadioLive.com) undergoes a transformation. We begin with family stories, followed by discussions on current consequential news from "The Loop" (CatholicVote.org), and conclude by engaging Sunday's Gospel. We're about living out our faith in the complexities of the world.
Great consideration from from Fr. John Riccardo's Rescue Project:"Have you ever struggled with the fact that God allows the enemy to reign over this world?" Some of the consequential news we discuss:
1. How to Talk About IVF 2. Pope Francis Again Blasts ‘Gender Ideology 3. New York Attorney General: Bake the Cake 4. Majority of British Scientists Believe Sex is Binary 5. CDC: Treat COVID Like the Flu 6. ‘Nightmare’ Case in Indiana 7. Biden Covering for Anti-Catholic Violence 8. Planned Parenthood Accused of Selling Baby Parts 9. Trump, Biden Sweep Super Tuesday Primaries
A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us)
Join us on this journey of faith, where engagement goes beyond words to become a commitment to live out the Gospel. Together, we embody the transformative presence of Heaven on Earth, navigating the challenges of our time with conviction, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to building a vibrant and faith-filled community.
We are uniting families in building the Kingdom. Right now we are in particular need, and would be so grateful for your prayers, engagement, and Partnership.
Holy Spirit, come!
Greg Schlueter Mass Impact | Image Trinity Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808