ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE Are You Ready? This Sunday, Jesus takes a few disciples up the mountain where He is transfigured (Mark 9:2-10). The thin veil between heaven and earth is pierced, and God's glory is manifest. They encounter something worthy of giving up everything, a same something for us right now.
Imagine you're on a walk on a warm summer day. The neighbors are out, children are playing, and everyone is lost in thought. Then, suddenly, you experience an overwhelming, consuming, blinding reality of your soul as it truly is, along with every soul on the planet. Every thought, silent word, and unseen deed is exposed, revealing the unfathomable depths of our sin and its impact on others.
Even more, we experience the enormous gravity of our sins of omission—the things we've failed to say or do. The heavy weight of brokenness, suffering, and even death in others' lives because of our inaction. It's a moment of profound reckoning, where we stand face to face with God and Truth, our souls laid bare before the divine gaze. This is the reason we're alive; nothing else matters.
In all this "Great Illumination," or "The Warning," prophesied by saints, is an incredible mercy—a planet-wide, epic game-changer of biblical proportions. I imagine the incredible impact on tyrants, abortion doctors, jaded politicians, hollywood actors, award-winning musicians, and influencers of every kind. In this light, each of us will discover how small we are before God. The veils that conceal the smallest evil will be torn, revealing our smallness before God and the reality of our fragmented selves. And in this light, each of us will discover the need for healing and restoration.
And I imagine the masses will flock to Mass—not just because we "should," but because we will fully recognize the fundamental purpose of our existence in Jesus Christ and His Church: to guide us on this journey of transformation, leading us from brokenness to wholeness, from sinfulness to holiness, to the eternal intimacy for which we all yearn.
That moment is now. Heaven is populated only by saints—those who have been purified and perfected by the grace of God. If we aspire to join their ranks, then Lent becomes not merely a ritualistic observance but a transformative journey toward holiness—a sacred season of spiritual detoxification, where we strip away the distractions and excuses that prevent us from embracing the call to perfection.
In this light, Lent takes on a new significance—not as a season punctuated by aimless deprivation or guilt but as a sacred opportunity to align our lives with the reality of heaven. It's a time to deepen our relationship with God, reconcile with our neighbors, and strive for the perfection to which we are called. And in this pursuit of holiness, we discover the true purpose and gift of Lent: to become saints together, journeying toward our ultimate destiny in the embrace of God's eternal love.
It's Lent. It's about holiness. Let's go after it. Together.
Under the banner of Mission 2024: Heaven Come to Earth, our radio program (IGNITERadioLive.com) undergoes a transformation. We begin with family stories, followed by discussions on current consequential news from "The Loop" (CatholicVote.org), and conclude by engaging Sunday's Gospel. We're about living out our faith in the complexities of the world.
We discuss six great questions from Fr. John Riccardo's Rescue Project
- Where is the enemy accusing me right now?
- What lie is crippling me right now?
- Where is the enemy causing division in my life right now?
- Where is the enemy flattering my ego right now?
- What temptation is strongest in my life right now?
- Where am I most discouraged right now?
Some of the consequential news we discuss:
- Biden Administration Advances Trans Rule
- Controversy Over Taylor Swift Candles
- American College of Pediatricians Rejects Gender-Affirming Care
- Report Highlights Infighting in Administration Over Border
- Tim Scott Introduces Bill to Protect Pro-Life Clinic Funding
- Genocide in Nigeria: Bishop's Exclusive Revelation
- Proposal for Statue of Fr. Emil Kapaun at Kansas Capitol
A vital partnership with Father John Riccardo's Rescue Project: Home Edition amplifies our commitment to bringing the Father's Heart into homes. This collaboration serves as a beacon of hope, offering refuge, healing, and renewal to those seeking a deeper connection with their faith. (CatholicRevival.us)
At the core of our mission is the Live IT Gathering Guide, a weekly commitment for families to grow together. United with other families on the same journey, we form a robust network of support, fortifying each other in our collective mission to build the Kingdom of God. (ILoveMyFamily.us)
Join us on this journey of faith, where engagement goes beyond words to become a commitment to live out the Gospel. Together, we embody the transformative presence of Heaven on Earth, navigating the challenges of our time with conviction, compassion, and an unwavering dedication to building a vibrant and faith-filled community.
We are uniting families in building the Kingdom. Right now we are in particular need, and would be so grateful for your prayers, engagement, and Partnership.
Holy Spirit, come!
Greg Schlueter Mass Impact | Image Trinity Greg@MassImpact.us | (814) 449-8808