| HONOR the FALLEN: "EARN IT." At the end of the movie, an older Private Ryan visits the graves of the fallen. He's haunted by the words of a soldier who was mortally wounded to save him: "Earn it." This ultimate question should confront each of us this Memorial Day, and before the Cross of Jesus Christ: Are we living our lives worthily?
People around us are in real need. God has called us to battle. He has given us weapons. Do we know they exist? Are we using them? Do we know how to use them? Are we eager to get in it?
Joined with Catholics throughout the world, Catholics here are uniting in claiming the power of the Holy Spirit. Amazing things are happening. Take a moment to read this article just published: SET THE WORLD ABLAZE. Long before Darth Vader, God spoke to you and me: "You are my son (daughter)! This is your destiny!"
If this speaks to you, plan on joining us for our first ABLAZE! next Sunday (June 5). It's free with registration now. To be prepared, please tune in tomorrow night, Tuesday (May 31), 8pm to IGNITE Radio Live! and hear the powerful message by Dan and Amber DeMatte, "Power from On High."