| THIS SUNDAY: "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son... so that [we] might not perish.” John 3:14-21 (NEW Live IT Episode + Guide) |
| | GUEST: Dan DeMatte, Catholic Summer Youth Camps Also: A&E Star, Dynamic Catholic author and speaker
MARCH 15-17: "Rediscover Your Mission" / John Wood, FLYERMONDAY 3/17: IGNITE St. Peters, Huron 7pm TUESDAY 3/18: IGNITE Holy Trinity, Swanton 7pm |
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From Mike McCoy [To his supporters about our region, following our first Mass Impact week]
LISTEN to Mike's impactful testimonial at IGNITE and VIEW our latest Live IT Video featuring him.
"This was an unusual outreach for me in Toledo. I reconnected with friends from Erie, Pa., Greg Schlueter and his wife Stephanie. They began a Catholic, non-profit movement called Image Trinity. Greg was hired by the Diocese of Toledo to initiate and lead the New Evangelization, which he did for a year. During that time, faith was Ignited in many parishes.
"By faith Greg continued to do what he believed God had called him and his family (six children) to do. Returning to Image Trinity, with the partnership of many pastors, volunteers and benefactors, he started a Catholic evangelistic and discipleship building movement in parishes called MassImpact.us: 'Not just a moment but a movement.'
"God has blessed and ignited many families and parishes to understand a Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ and how that is manifested in the Church and their personal daily living.
"The first night I was interviewed by Greg and Stephanie on their weekly radio show, IGNITE Radio Live, airing on the five stations of Annunciation Radio. I was also included in their Live IT Episode that Greg filmed with his family. It is part of an effort to engage families in talking and praying in their homes. It is embedded in parish websites and airs on Catholic TV. "I spent an evening with some of his board members and friends at a private home. I am telling you these Catholic folks are fired up about Living their Relationship with Jesus on a daily basis and sharing their faith with others!
"The next evening I spoke at an event called SPARK, an evangelization effort involving a meal plus a message. We then went next door to the Church for IGNITE, an evening of worship and adoration.
"I believe This movement will spread across USA and Ignite parishes and families to a real Daily encounter with Jesus and How to Live it: Ignited!
"On Friday Greg arranged for me to speak to 4 Catholic Grade schools at an assembly! It was awesome.
"I believe so much in this Ministry that I want to encourage you to give to Massimpact.us."
This week, put a flag in the sand for Jesus Christ. REGISTER FOR FREE NOW: Rediscover Love. |
IGNITE Radio Live! TUESDAYS 8pm | Replay: Saturdays 2pm Annunciation Radio LIVE CALL IN: 877-275-8098
March 10 8 2PM "Young People: Rock Your World" GUEST: Dan DeMatte, Catholic Summer Youth Camps Also: A&E Star, Dynamic Catholic author and speaker
GOAL: $146,284
SHORT, IMPACTFUL MESSAGE FROM JEFF BAREFOOT [Image Trinity (Mass Impact) Board Member at Gratitude Night] |
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