Subject: [ASA] Urgent Announcements...

Hi Friend,

I'm terribly sorry...

Since yesterday, I've received several tickets from fellow
members saying that they can't submit their articles through
ASA without getting errors.

These errors must have popped-up when we're implementing several
new functions to ASA...such as integrating (social
bookmarking service) to auto-bookmark your submitted article
on sites such as Digg, and Reddit.

Just a sneak peek, this auto-bookmark function will be especially
useful to get the search engines to discover and index your new
articles faster.

But that's just the beginning because more user-submitted
functions will be implemented over the next few months.


Resolving the submission issues is our top priority right now.
Just so you know, I've already got my programmer on this and
we'll be doing our best to resolve the submission issues within
the next 24 hours.

In the meantime, I hope for your understanding as we fix the
issues and get ASA back to it's fully functional status.

Please accept my apologies and rest assure we'll do our best to
prevent such incidents from happening again.

Dominic Tay