Subject: [ASA Premium] ArticleSubmitAuto June 2010 Updates!

Dear Friend,

Dominic here and I'd like to keep you up to date with ASA latest
features upgrade, and how it will help you. I know you are busy,
so I'll get straight to the point...

What You Need To Do Now Before You Continue:

1. Login to ASA, go to left sidebar "ArticleSubmitAuto" >>
"Options" >> Click on the "Step 2: Profile Page" image on the

Login URL:
(If you're seeing the "Upgrade Mode" notice, you need to use this
url instead:

2. Check that your categories, pen names and resource boxes are
correct for each of the Profile Group. If not, please make the
changes before your next scheduled article is submitted (if you
have) or before you submit your next article.

3. And if you want to submit to the 3 new sites that I've just
replaced (stated below), just set them up in the ASA Options
Page as well

4. That's all!

You can always view this upgrade log by following the below

Go to left sidebar "ArticleSubmitAuto" >> "Upgrade Log"

Or go here:

Upgrade Log

1. Removed:

   * UrArticles (Site was hacked)
   * UltimateArticleDirectory (Takes forever to load)
   * EveryonesArticle (Site changed script)

2. Added:

   * (PR 3;Alexa 6252)
   * InfoBarrel (PR 4;Alexa 10,986)
   * (PR 5; Alexa 6,603)

3. Total Article Directories Supported: 36 (and if you include
ArticlesInAClick, that's a total of 37, which means you're
getting a total of 7 bonus unadvertised article directories!)

4. Only 2 ASA Option Pages, so you can make changes to your
settings much faster and easier:

   a) Article Accounts - Saves all your article directories login
   b) Profile Page - Saves all your pen name, categories & resource
boxes on the same page (combined the previous "Pen Name" &
"Submission Profiles" options pages)

5. *UPDATED* Profile Page:

   * Allows you to auto-select the categories for all 37 article
sites based on word you input. (Function also available in
"Write Post" page)

   For example: When you type "internet" in the
box and you click "Auto-Select >>", the first option containing
the word "internet" will be selected for all 37 sites' category
dropdown boxes

   * Displays only 1 Profile Group at a time, so it saves you page
loading time...

6. New Control Panel Interface to improve your experience with

   * Side menu on the left can be hidden
   * Cleaner fonts

7. Neater Layout:

   * Training Area, SupportDesk and ArticleSubmitAuto option pages
are all under "ArticleSubmitAuto" on the left sidebar

You can always view this upgrade log by following the below

Go to left sidebar "ArticleSubmitAuto" >> "Upgrade Log"

Or go here:

Dominic Tay