Subject: Massive Traffic ==> Money and Signups

Hi there Friend,

Seth Young just launched Instant Traffic Formula,
which is exactly what its name says, a formula
which will bring to your site massive traffic instantly.
And if you don't have a site, it will help you
to easily create a money-making site, without
necessarily any added expense.

Not dependent on SEO or Google ranking,
ITF is a video course of over 40 videos
which takes you through a few simple steps
to set it up, after which you can just drive traffic
to your site again and again and again.

I write to you as part of the inner circle at ITF,
I was intimately involved in the production of Instant Traffic Formula.
I know ITF backwards and forwards.

I was also one of the guinea pigs in the testing of ITF.
Following the course instructions, I worked the system
on my own sites, and I can tell you that it is really simple,
And it really works.

I set up a situation where I could drive
a lot of traffic to my site whenever I wanted.
And as a result I received repeated signups
to a new list that I created, and dramatically
increased my Google Adsense money.

Click here for the discounted launch price of
Instant Traffic Formula

I am so convinced of the worth of the product
that I put together for you valuable bonuses
if you purchase the product with my link.
This is a limited bonus, I am only obligating myself
to give to the first 25 buyers.

I urge you to take a look.
ITF is excellent for someone who is trying
to develop an income from the internet
but has just not "broken through" yet.
It is great for newbies and the experienced alike.

Right now during the launch the product is discounted 51%,
After the weekend the price will double.

To see my valuable bonuses, and the link
to the ITF page, click here:

Instant Traffic Formula Bonus Page

Thank you,
Alan Abelove