Subject: Eradicate Internet Ignorance


Alan Abelove here from

I have taken it upon myself to do what I can to broaden the comfort zone of my friends with regard to internet skills.

I hope thereby to increase the online success of my friends and my subscribers.

(Who is a friend and who is a subscriber you ask? A friend is a subscriber who responds to me, who asks me, who answers me, who we get to know one another more than just a dry number of how many times he opened an email).

To that end I am in the midst of building a skills site at alanabelove dot com slash skills. You are welcome to come see and to join. Part of it is no-cost.

But now I am doing something different. I wrote you a couple of days ago that I am offering a bribe which is about the stupidest thing that I have ever done. But I want to cut through the fog of Product Creation for you.

My mentor, John Thornhill, has been teaching product creation for over 10 years. It was in this course, Partnership to Success, that I created my flagship product Video Editing Mastery.

I recommend this course. But that is not the purpose of this note. Rather I want to invite you to a no-cost webinar that John is giving where he will explain in light-detail the steps that you need in order to create your own digital product.

I would like you to participate in this webinar in order to break through this non-clarity. I am not asking you to enter his course at this time, even though, yes, I do recommend it.

But rather I am interested in your listening to this webinar so that you can understand Product Creation with the proper perspective. After listening to the webinar you may decide that Product Creation is YES for you, or maybe you will be convinced that Product Creation is NOT for you.

And I'm OK with that.

But at least I want that you should be able to make such a decision with intelligence, and not because every Tom Dick and Harry is screaming at you "F o r g e t  I t !!! Waste of time!!!"

My offer is: that if you will pick up a ticket to this webinar by Tuesday night at midnight, a ticket which is no-cost btw, then I will manually give you access to my Video Editing Mastery course also for no-cost. This is a course that I sell for different prices ranging between $17 and $27 depending on what my mood is.

My course, btw, will do the same thing for you regarding Video Editing, another allegedly "Impossibly Complicated Black Box Whose Software Costs Thousands Of Dollars..." BS. Not true. Video editing is very useful, and you don't need to be afraid of it even though I know that you are.

If you just sign up to get rid of the first hurdle, then I will take the second hurdle away from you also.

Just click here:

Sign-up to John Thornhill's Product Creation Webinar

After you sign up you will receive an email from me, (it's automatic), which will confirm that you signed up. Go to my support desk, and open up a ticket and let me know that you signed up, and copy that email in as part of the ticket.

This is better than just forwarding the mail to this address, because I suspect that there will be a lot of people who are going to jump on to this, and therefore your email could easily get lost. Sending to the support desk is safer.

And when I see your ticket I will open up for you membership in my Video Editing Mastery site.

This is only until Tuesday night, I can't let this offer stay open forever, I have to make a living too.

I hope to see you inside.

If you noticed I clipped the last couple of paragraphs from my note to you on Sunday. What has changed since then is tomorrow my computer is going in to the shop for a well needed upgrade. Therefore I am going to be on and off (I share my wife's computer) to try to hold the fort the best that I can while the computer is being enhanced. 

So now is the time to take the click for a ticket to a no-cost webinar by the master of Product Creation, John Thornhill. That way I can give you access to Video Editing Mastery before things get complicated here at home.

This is a no-brainer, in case you don't recognize it. To receive no-cost access to a course that can virtually change your life just by going to a no-cost webinar.

What are you afraid of? That there has to be a catch? I'll tell you right now what the catch is. There's never a webinar without an offer. John is going to offer to you, after explaining the whole process of how you can really and truly create your own digital product, he will offer you to come in to his course Partnership to Success. And yes, it costs money. I know, I did it, I took the course. And yes, I recommend it.

But there is no obligation, and you can either take it or leave it. I, from my standpoint, want to educate you to understand the centrality of Product Creation in online success, and how it can be actually done, yes, by you! I am teacher by trade, and I know how much I have been rewarded by a good skill-set.

I want that for you too.

Thank you,

Alan Abelove

Support Desk


., Rechov Hakablan 43, 93874, Jerusalem, Israel
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