People who ask me if I read books on an e-reader are sometimes surprised to hear that I do! (I think as a librarian they expect my answer to be a resounding, "NO!” Like many others, I appreciate being able to adjust the font and carry a library in my tote bag!) How else would I be able to toggle between The Betrayal of Anne Frank and Circe without cluttering my bedside table? While nothing beats the smell and feel of a traditional book, the portability and convenience of an e-reader are tough to disregard. All you need to read eBooks are your Berlin-Peck library card and a smartphone! You may not realize you do not even need an actual e-reader—your smartphone can double as an e-reader using the Libby app. And Hoopla allows you to watch movies, read comics, and listen to audiobooks without any waiting!
Did you know that libraries pay twice as much (sometimes more!) for an eBook than what a consumer pays for an eBook? If this is surprising, you will be glad to know that the state of Connecticut is hoping to do something about that. Our eBook and e-audiobook circulation soared over the last two years, and we are delighted to offer this capability to more of our patrons. We work hard to balance adding to our eBook collection by purchasing additional popular titles just for Berlin patrons while still offering new ways to engage our community. It is helpful to know that, as libraries across Connecticut and the country, we are in this together and raising awareness about this critical budgetary issue.
As usual, we hope to inspire you in a variety of ways this month and we are delighted to announce that we are resuming some in-person programming! For those interested in viewing any of our online programs in a group setting you can join us in our Delaney Room to view the program. Please make sure to register! It's March so if you are thinking of gardens and St. Patrick's Day we have you covered! If you happen to be thinking of social safety nets, too, join us for our Courageous Conversation on March 19. A full list of this month’s programs is below.
Thank you for supporting your local library. We always welcome your thoughts and suggestions. Send us an email at library@berlinpeck.org or feel free to stop by. My door is always open.
Warmly, Kim McNally |