| | Berlin-Peck Memorial Library • June 2020 Newsletter |
| Welcome to June 2020!
Curbside Service
June 1st has arrived, and with it, the debut of our curbside service to provide materials to library patrons of all ages. Here's what you need to know:
The Basics:
- Please place your hold requests through our online catalog or by calling 860-828-7125.When your items are available, we will notify you and schedule a pickup time.
The Fine Print:
- Pickups will be limited to one bag per day.
- The
library will provide a plastic bag which will hold up to the equivalent
of 10 children’s picture books, 5-6 adult hardcovers, or 12-15 DVD’s.
Feel free to mix and match.
- Until interlibrary loan services resume, we will only be able to fill holds on items belonging to Berlin-Peck Memorial Library.
- All materials are holdable except Mobile Hotspots, Cake Pans, Children’s Backpacks, and Launch Pads.
- All items being returned to the library must be placed inside the book drop.
The Future
As we work to clear up the backlog of over 7,000 materials being returned as well as processing your holds on items since March, we are also thinking of ways to bring back other services. Although there will not be any in-person programs, meetings, craft workshops, passport and notary services, we will continue to bring you many things online. We will eventually begin taking appointments for computer use and find a way to let our copier and scanners be used again. Everything will look different and our policies, formerly unrestricted, will require limitations.
Knowing how many of you are anxious to get back to the library you were familiar with, we regret that we will have to temporarily curb your access. Until there is a vaccine or pharmaceutical for COVID in place, we will limit crowds, and encourage social distancing and mask wearing. We've worked hard over the years to make BPML a warm, welcoming place to visit, congregate, learn and be entertained and we will get to that point again.
We still miss you and are glad that we will, at the very least, be able to get you new materials to read and watch. Keep an eye on our webpage and Facebook page to stay up to date with the latest information on our slow reopening.
Enjoy the beginning of summer!
Helen Malinka
| Returning Books and Other Items
Curbside pickup services start June 1!
Place your hold requests through our online catalog or by calling
860-828-7125. When your items are available, we will call you to
schedule a pickup time.
The book drop is now open Monday–Friday, 8 am to 4 pm.
Due dates for all older items have been extended to June 26.
| | | You can still reach a librarian Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are expecting a high volume of calls—if no one picks up, please give us a few minutes and try again.
| | | | Show your support for healthcare and frontline workers by making a heart to display in our windows.
You can make any kind of heart you would like – any size, decorated, drawn, painted, cut out, or not. Take them to the library and leave them in our “heart collection” basket out front, weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm, throughout the month of June. Please sign your decorated heart (and provide contact information) if you’d like it back once the display comes down.
We will also be providing tutorial videos and “Take & Make” craft kits for creating special quilled and woven paper hearts.
| | | Sit & Knit Online
Thursday, June 4 at 6:30 pm
Catch up with your fellow local knitters!
| Crafting at a Distance Online Thursdays, June 11 and 25, at 6:30 pm Connect
with friends, neighbors and other crafters in our virtual crafting
get-together. Bring any craft that you're currently working on and work
on it while enjoying one of the best benefits of a craft group—the
| | Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group Online
Monday, June 15 at 1:00 pm
This NEW group will meet monthly as a safe place for caregivers, family and friends of persons with dementia. Join us to share practical information, feelings, needs and concerns.
| Books and Coffee Online
Wednesday, June 17 at 2:00 pm Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for an informal book talk. We'll share reading recommendations, learn about some of the most anticipated upcoming releases and visit with some friendly faces!
| Cookbook Club Online
Monday, June 22 at 6:30 pm
June’s cookbook will be Healthyish by Lindsay Maitland Hunt. Berlin residents can download this free eBook on Hoopla. Pick a recipe and join us to discuss it!
| | Healing During a Crisis Online
Tuesday, June 23 at 1:00 pm Join our resident Social Worker for a group session to discuss coping strategies for emotional health.
| Saturday Book Club Online
Saturday, June 27 at 10:30 am
| | Online Trivia Night Online
Tuesday, June 30 at 7:00 pm Join us for a fun game of online trivia, featuring a variety of categories!
| Online Children's Programs
| | Although the library building is currently closed due to COVID-19, the Children’s Department staff is still working to support you!
Visit our Library Fun @ Home Page for links to free read-alouds, activities, videos, learning resources, and, for a limited time, access to TumbleBook Library, Tumble Math, Teen BookCloud, Audio BookCloud books & audiobooks, Scholastic Bookflix, and many more!
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Read & Bead 2020
Preschool–Grade 5
Yes, Read & Bead is returning this summer! Our plan is to offer all of our Read & Bead materials for Curbside Pickup! The Read & Bead Bags contain instructions, a Read & Bead Log, a ball chain necklace, a Surprise Brag Tag, starter beads, and other goodies. The bags themselves even have a design that can be colored in with marker! To get started, place a Holds request (online or via phone). When you are notified that your items are available for Curbside Pickup, let us know if you would like a Read & Bead Bag. If you have multiple children, tell us how many bags you need. We'll add your Bag(s) to your Curbside Pickup order and you can begin Reading & Beading! At certain intervals over the summer, we'll make baggies with fancier beads and more Brag Tags available for Curbside Pickup, as well.
In addition, we're planning Special Summer Challenges, Grab N' Go Activity Kits and virtual programming. More details forthcoming in our next newsletter, on our Children's Facebook Page, and on our website! Stay tuned! |
| 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Babies & Toddlers
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is an ongoing library program that encourages all families and caregivers to read at least 1,000 books (any book) to their infant, toddler and/or preschooler before entering kindergarten. You can download logs from our 1,000 BBK page to get started, and there is no need to register. Earn rewards (e.g., a Rubber Ducky) when you reach certain milestones! We'll be offering a Curbside Pickup option for this program this summer, stay tuned!
| Teen Scratch Ticket Summer Challenge
Grades 6 and up
It's back! Check out anything from the library via Curbside Pickup and earn a Scratch Ticket, no registration required! How does it work? Simply place a Holds request for library materials (online or via phone). When you are notified that your items are available for Curbside Pickup, let us know if you would like a Scratch Ticket! Each week there'll be several Instant Winners of prizes such as books, Funko Pops, stress toys, slime, and more. If you're a winner you'll be able to pick up your prize at certain intervals over the summer for Curbside Pickup. Additional tickets can be earned by submitting a brief book review or video. Not an Instant Winner? No problem! Every time you check out items from the library you can enter into the Grand Prize Drawing. Look for further details in our next newsletter and on our website!
| COVID-19 Support Resources
| | During these challenging times, the Library is here to help you find the resources you need. We've collected a selection of links to help our patrons find important information and help.
Explore these categories to find tips for economic resources, health and wellness services, housing information, and more.
| Face Coverings
Following recommendation from the CDC for everyone to wear cloth face coverings in public settings to reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Governor signed an executive order directing face coverings to be worn by anyone in public wherever a six-foot distance is unavoidable, including by employees while in the workplace.
Check out this CDC video on how to make an easy no-sew face covering.
| Unemployment From the CT Department of Labor: If you become unemployed due to coronavirus (COVID-19), you should file for unemployment benefits. Eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis. We are processing claims as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience during this difficult time.
The quickest way to file, manage, or learn more about unemployment claims. |
| Housing & Food Security
Connecticut 211 Community
services for food, mental health, healthcare, housing and shelter, transportation,
income, and utility assistance.
Provided by the Connecticut Food Bank
Homeowners and Renters Updates
and information taken by state and federal government to help protect
homeowners and renters impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. |
Berlin-Peck Memorial Library | 234 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT 06037
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