Subject: [Training] How To Make $1000 A Week Online..

For most people trying to make money online, $1000 a week usually ends up being the first goal.

And why not?

A $1000/week income is definitely enough to make a difference in most people’s lives.

And thanks to the digital world, it’s more possible than ever to get there!

It may take some time to reach that level, depending on how efficiently you work at it.

See, it’s not about how many hours you put into your business, it’s about what you do with those hours.
Work smarter, not harder, that’s the key. 

Here are three proven ways that you can get to that $1000 per week mark…

Affiliate Marketing

Instead of selling your own products, you can promote others’ products. Just be sure to “sell what sells”.

Pick products in “evergreen” niches. Those are niches that never go out of season or out of style.

Once you’ve decided on a niche, find its best-selling products on Clickbank and/or JVZoo.

Now, you’re basically going to want to promote those best-selling products via articles, Youtube videos and blog posts.

Your goal is to get as many clicks to your offers as possible. The more clicks you get,
the more conversions you will get over time. Your goal is to get more efficient and more sophisticated in getting clicks as you go.

Email marketing

It’s still one of the best ways to make money online. You just have to do it right!

These days, it’s better to sync your email marketing efforts with social media and quality content.

Keep in mind that most consumers now read their emails on their smartphones or tablets.
So be sure that your emails are cleanly readable on mobile devices!

Be prepared for the harsh realities about email marketing. Unsubscribe rates tend to be high, even if you’re providing quality content.

But if your unsubscribe rates are over 25% however, you’re probably doing something wrong.

Focus on providing value and quality content first, and making sales SECOND.

That should help keep click/open rates up, and unsubscribe rates down.

Content marketing

Good content brings quality leads, which then become sales. Creating good content, however, is a challenge.
Not everyone is a natural-born writer or video producer.

Nonetheless, it’s important to produce quality content, especially in competitive niches.

If you can’t do it on your own, outsource as much as your budget will allow. It will only make you more money down the road.

If blogging or guest-posting, keep in mind that Google ranks content based on quality as well as backlinks.
Focus on both elements when posting content to build authority, credibility, and trust.

Remember, it’s all about getting views. From there, you’ll get clicks to your offers or lead forms,
where you can sell products or services to clients.

If you run a blog, you can also utilize advertising platforms such as Google Adsense to increase earnings.
Always a good idea to build multiple revenue streams with your content.

Consider this: To earn over $1000 a week, you need to get your daily earnings over $142.
On an 8-hour workday, 5 days a week, that’s about $25 per hour.

Reach that hourly rate, and boom - you’re earning $1000 a week. It’s all about setting goals, then meeting them!

Want to earn $50,000 or more in your first year? This resource is for you!

Hope you enjoyed this, now get to work! :)


Andre Niemand