Subject: 3 ways to bring in some QUICK moola

A couple of genius marketers figured out
a way to find expired domains that are still
getting a ton of traffic and packing TONS of
authority that you can snatch up for $10 or less

And they’ve been able to automate this
powerful new traffic strategy so ANYONE
can leverage it REGARDLESS of niche..

Plus once you snatch them up, there are MULTIPLE
ways you can leverage these domains to generate
some quick traffic and sales for your business…

And in this email, I want to quickly share 3 simple
ways you can profit with this unique strategy…

1. Direct-Link Affiliate Marketing

This is probably the most obvious and MANY of
our users FAVORITE monetization strategy.

It’s the easiest AND fastest to deploy.

Just snatch up these domains and instantly
redirect them to ANY offer you’d like 🙂

2. Simple Domain Flipping

Many, many, MANY of the domains you’ll be
hijacking are going to contain EXTREME
levels of domain authority.

Simply list them on any one of the domain
flipping sites or forums and watch them
sell like hotcakes!

3. Passive Adsense Profits

This is another user-favorite since it’s a
“set-and-forget” method to profit with the
domains you’ll be finding.

One of the quickest things you can do is turn
these domains into simple adsense revenue sites.

Since they’ll be coming with traffic and authority
built-in, this is a VERY powerful and SIMPLE strategy
to deploy.

And this is just SCRATCHING the surface
of what’s possible with this new strategy.

In fact, they posted SEVEN MORE ways that you
can profit with this strategy on the discount page.

Short on time? Check it out here

This new web-app that allows you to find
EXPIRED domains that are STILL posted on
Wikipedia AND YouTube that you can snatch
up for under 10 bucks…

And the best part is…

Once you have these domains, you can
literally redirect the traffic ANYWHERE
you want..

OR use those domains to send MASSIVE
authority and link juice to ANY niche
site or video that you want to rank.

Can you imagine that?

…Having a REAL backlink from Wikipedia!

This is SOO powerful that these guys
ranked a video within DAYS of redirecting
just ONE wikipedia link to their video..

And that video has generated over 1k in
sales so far!

Check out all the details here

the web-app is called MyTrafficJacker
and it allows you to:

– leverage the MASSIVE authority of Wikipedia
and YouTube for FAST traffic and rankings
– find expired domains on YouTube
– find expired domains on Wikipedia
– buy these domains for under 10 bucks
with ONE-CLICK of your mouse
– set reminders for domains that are
about to expire so you can be first in line
to pick them up
– and much much more…

This is a FIRST TIME anyone has been able
to TRULY leverage the authority of WikiPedia
to get massive traffic AND authority for
ANY website or video.

Check out the demo video here

P.S. Some of you may be thinking:

“Won’t this strategy get saturated quickly
and all the domains will get snatched up?”

GREAT question.

However, think about that for a second..

Both Wikipedia AND YT have B.ILLIONS of
B.ILLIONS of existing pages as it is.

Even searching through ALL those pages
would take multiple LIFETIMES..

PLUS domains expire EVERY SINGLE DAY!

So if you REALLY think we’d be able to
even make a SMALL dent in the amount of
expired domains that are posted on these
two giant sites, then you should probably
just ignore this email lol

If not, check out the demo video now.