Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am excited to announce the upcoming release of The War on Psychotherapy: When Sexual Politics, Gender Ideology, and Mental Health Collide.
If you are receiving this e-mail, you have spoken out against the unjust and oppressive bans on licensed counseling for clients and families that experience unwanted sexual and gender identity conflicts. As Dr. Michael Brown writes in the foreword of The War on Psychotherapy: "We are in the midst of an all-out war!"
Indeed, the last six years have been an all-out war, and the battles continue to be waged in our colleges, courts, and churches. Will you stand with me by spreading the word about this important, groundbreaking book?
The War on Psychotherapy describes how homosexual activists have infiltrated key institutions in the healthcare, legal, and public education fields and indoctrinated policy makers, through mass fraud, to ban licensed therapy for those struggling with unwanted sexual and gender identity conflicts.
As Dr. Michelle Cretella writes in the preface of The War on Psychotherapy: "For the sake of our children, we must not let this happen!"
If you have like-minded colleagues in the pro-family, therapeutic, or ministry fields, please forward this e-mail and invite them to pre-order The War on Psychotherapy: When Sexual Politics, Gender Ideology, and Mental Health Collide.
See below for more details, and thank you for standing with me as we fight to preserve the therapy rights of those struggling with unwanted sexual and gender identity conflicts!
Sincerely, |