Subject: We Are Under Attack!

October 30, 2014

The battle is raging all around us and we are in the fight of our lives! Our healing ministry and the rights of those to get help to resolve unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA) are under attack!

Many of our colleagues are already feeling the pressure of lawsuits and attacks by gay activists. International Healing Foundation (IHF) is in their sights, and it won’t be long before they come after us.

But we will never back down or run from a fight! There are too many lives at stake.

Lives like Nathan, who sought help with IHF to resolve his unwanted SSA. He recently wrote:

“Mr. Doyle helped me to locate, treat, and most importantly, heal the emotional wounds that I had suffered in my adolescence. He has helped me to overcome the unwanted SSA that I have struggled with for years, and I am much happier because of it.”

We know, and have seen, that healing IS possible and our approach has been successful for over 25 years!

But gay activists want to stop our work! Why? Because they believe the lie that people are born with SSA and should simply embrace their feelings – even if these feelings are at odds with their values, faith, or dreams and they want to seek help to change! The work of IHF makes this change possible and dreams become a reality.

But not only are we helping individuals, we are also helping families heal. Below is what a father of a gay-identified son had to say after experiencing a family healing session. 

“I learned in this time how to share many things with my children and wife that I had
 not known in the last 22 years living together with them. Now I know the real things and most important issues that I have to work on every day to be a better family 
and make my best effort to be on the right path for my children.”

We cannot let the gay activists stop our work. We have seen amazing results and we are fighting back. How? Good question. I have been told many times that the best defense is a good offense.

Gay activists would like nothing more than for us to stop what we are doing and fight their war on their “turf” - in the courtroom and in the media. We will not back down from this challenge, and we believe the best way to fight is to expand our work and reach more people in need.

In order for us to accomplish and expand our mission, we must:

         •   Secure new office space that will enable us to grow.
         •   Hire new counselors that are trained to offer IHF’s therapy to more clients.
         •   Add support staff so that counselors can concentrate their time on helping                          people, not performing administrative tasks.
         •   Hire an event coordinator who can organize more healing weekends for         
             individuals and families across the country and around the world.
         •   Hire someone who can train pastors and counselors in the IHF therapy model.

Your support will go a long way in helping IHF assist those who experience unwanted SSA and their loved ones. We receive phone calls daily from people who want help. But because of our small staff and limited resources, we are unable to respond to all of their needs.

We are asking for your help. We are looking for an army to rise up and help IHF fight for the lives of people who desire to be free from their unwanted SSA. Our healing model for helping individuals and families works!

Please help us fight for the future generations!

People have told me they feel like their small gift of $15, $25 or $50 can’t possibly help because the need is too great and their gift won’t make a difference. But I have learned when you put something in God’s hand that you feel is too small, God can use it for great things!
So I ask you to please give what you can! No gift is too large or too small. We are in the fight of our lives and for the lives of those who seek help. Your gift allows us bring hope to the hopeless!

Thank you for partnering with IHF. You mean the world to us!

God’s blessings to you and yours,

Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
International Healing Foundation

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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