Subject: The NEW IHF

Dear Friend,

Perhaps you noticed something different at the top of this email as you began reading? I am excited to announce that after twenty-five years of ministry towards individuals and families who experience conflicts over same-sex attraction (SSA) and gender identity, we are expanding our approach in key areas of prevention and family counseling so that we can better meet the needs of families in the Judeo-Christian community. This fall, the Institute for Healthy Families will replace the International Healing Foundation as the new “IHF” in the effort to equip the Judeo-Christian community and family to meet the challenges of 2015 and beyond.

Moving forward, our message of healing will not change, but will only increase in scope and outreach to meet the demand of an ever hurting family and culture. We are witnessing record-high numbers of divorce and infidelity among couples of faith, and more and more of our children are experiencing sex addiction, gender and sexual identity confusion, drug and alcohol abuse, and other emotional problems. This is evidence that the most important institution—the family—is collapsing in front of our eyes. We intend to expand our team and grow our vision to prayerfully bring hope to the hurting home and better equip the Judeo-Christian community in the process to prevent many of the issues we treat, before they become problems.

Check out our new website at:
So in the coming months, we will be working diligently to expand our approach to better help these families. We will not abandon our mission to help individuals and communities that struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction and gender identity confusion. Rather, we will be expanding our outreach to help restore hope to hurting homes, including a new emphasis on seminars like our upcoming Key to Your Child's Heart Healing Weekend for Fathers while also focusing on a broad range of sexual and relational issues, in light of the current cultural changes and problems in our society.

Our long term goal is to not only help those who are currently struggling, but to also create a prevention program that will address these issues head on before they become a debilitating problem.

As we enter this new phase of ministry, I would like to ask for your help. Moving forward, our message of healing will not change, but will only increase in scope and outreach. To be honest, the only thing holding us back from helping more people and families is that we lack financial resources to increase our staff. We are currently at capacity for counseling and healing weekends. So I am asking for you to join me in this new mission of restoring hope to hurting families and individuals by giving a tax deductible donation to IHF. No gift is too small or too large. But I can tell you this - each and every dollar given goes directly to helping those who come to us for help.

We are ready to meet the needs of those who continue to call us for help. So I am asking for you to join me in this mission of restoring hope to hurting families and individuals by giving to IHF. You can give by clicking on the donate button below to make a gift by debit or credit or you can send a check to the address listed on the giving page on our website. We are also now able to accept gifts of appreciated stocks/securities. If that is how you would like to support IHF please e-mail and we will send you the proper information to make an electronic transfer of stock or other securities.

The time to help hurting families is now. Your support will make it possible.

Thank you for partnering with us!


Christopher Doyle, MA, LPC, LCPC
Executive Director
Institute for Healthy Families 

Key to Your Child's Heart
Father's Healing Weekend

November 6-8, 2015
   Hagerstown, MD

Last chance to register for Father's Healing Weekend!

Here's what one father had to say:
It was worth every second and dollar I spent! The weekend was hard work, interspersed with a life-changing understanding of myself and my family. What I knew in my head wasn’t what I did from my heart. This weekend showed me the difference. What I wanted to do I didn’t know how to do until this weekend showed me and gave me the confidence to try. The facilities were excellent, but the care and camaraderie were beyond that. The session leaders were excellent and quickly established a team orientation rather than focusing on individuals, yet every individual’s situation was explored for the benefit of the individual and the group. It was a weekend surrounded by professionals who were willing to listen with empathy and eager to help. I continue to correspond with the men I met and share successes and challenges.  

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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