Dear Colleagues and Friends,
years ago when California passed a law to prohibit Sexual Orientation
Change Effort (SOCE) therapy for minors, I began talking with several
colleagues in our field about a study to examine the outcomes of
adolescents that have undergone SOCE therapy.
gay activists have continued to advance laws to prohibit SOCE therapy
for minors in California, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., a study on
the outcomes of adolescents in SOCE therapy has yet to be published in
the scientific literature. After nearly two years from its conception,
we are now recruiting subjects to participate in a study, which will be
the first of its kind, that examines the perceptions, both positive and negative, of adolescents who have undergone SOCE therapy.
The criteria for participating in this study is the following:
Subjects must have been under the age of 18 when they first began SOCE
therapy. If they are currently past the age of 18, but began therapy
before they turned 18, they may participate.
Subjects must have worked with a licensed mental health provider in
their treatment. Because the laws proposing to prohibit SOCE therapy for
minors are targeting licensed mental health providers, the outcomes of
clients seeing non-licensed therapists will not provide the evidence we
are seeking.
If the subject is currently under the age of 18, their parent/guardian
must consent. If they are currently over 18 but are eligible to
participate retrospectively, their own consent is acceptable.
is a short summary of the study. Your assistance in recruiting subjects
to participate will greatly help us! Please direct all potential
subjects or questions/concerns to:
Christopher Doyle, LCPC Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Ph: 301-805-6111 P.O. Box 901 Bowie, MD 20718
purpose of the research is to discover the perceptions of adolescents
undergoing (or those who have undergone) Sexual Orientation Change
Effort (SOCE) therapy on same-sex desires and behaviors, as well as
understand some of the possible influences (e.g. wellbeing; harm) it may
have (or not have) on youth that participate in SOCE therapy. The study
will also seek to determine some possible causes or reasons why youth
may experience same-sex attractions.
project is designed to ask the adolescent minor to complete a
comprehensive questionnaire that they can confidentially complete on a
computer, or in hard copy if they prefer. The questions ask about their
sexual desires and behaviors at the beginning of SOCE therapy and
afterward. Additionally, the adolescent minor will answer other
questions about their well being and if they felt the counseling or
therapy they received was beneficial or harmful, if applicable. RESEARCHERS Christopher
J. Doyle is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor that specializes
in working with clients, and their parents/families, who experience
unwanted same-sex attractions and/or sexual identity/orientation issues.
He is the Director of the International Healing Foundation and the
author of several publications on adolescent sexual health and sexual
risk avoidance. James
E. Phelan is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. He works primarily in
federal government and maintains a private consultation practice
dedicated to SOCE; he is the author of several peer-reviewed articles
and the book: “Successful Outcomes of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts
(SOCE).” Dr.
Walter Schumm served as an unpaid consultant for this project. He has
taught family studies and social science research methodology at Kansas
State University for over 30 years and has authored or edited two books
and over 300 articles, book chapters, and other scholarly reports,
including a number of articles on LGBT issues. His most recent book is
on the transition to parenthood.
Respectfully yours,