| Dear Friend:
Earlier this month the New York Times reported the Obama Administration had released a statement supporting efforts for a national law denying minors voluntary access to counseling from a licensed professional to deal with unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA). The statement was in response to petitions on WhiteHouse.gov regarding a 17-year-old transgender youth, Leelah Alcorn, who, according to a New York Times story, committed suicide after leaving a note about a therapist who had tried to convert her back to being boy.
Leelah’s is a very sad story, and we may never know everything about her individual and unique situation. But there are many other sexually confused youth and questioning teens who would like the option of therapy that will help them resolve unwanted feelings and sexual attractions. To deny them access to licensed mental health care is unconscionable.
The whole premise of Mr. Obama’s statement—calling this counseling ‘conversion’ therapy is a misnomer. Youth that seek therapy for unwanted SSA or gender identity conflicts believe there are specific causes for their attractions, such as sexual abuse, and this therapy helps them resolve those causes and the desires that are a consequence. |
|  | These are the arguments I have been using to combat the President’s statement as I have been interviewed by news agencies all across the country. Some of those news outlets include ABC, The Washington Times and the International Business Times.
While gay activists have continued to advance laws to prohibit SOCE therapy for minors in California, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., a study on the outcomes of adolescents in SOCE therapy has yet to be published in scientific literature. After nearly two years from its conception, the International Healing Foundation (IHF) is now recruiting subjects to participate in a study, which will be the first of its kind, that examines the perceptions, both positive and negative, of adolescents who have undergone SOCE therapy.
I believe this study will be a valuable asset in helping us combat a terrible injustice. To prohibit adolescents from having the opportunity to choose to get help for their unwanted SSA is to take away their rights as Americans. Yet, for 25 years IHF has helped thousands of adolescents and families heal from unwanted SSA. We know that we can help. But if these laws are passed then many people who want help will see their hopes disappear.
This study will be costly so we are reaching out to you for help. Any amount you can give will help us in this study and will continue to bring hope and healing to those crying out for help. You can either give via credit card on our web site through Pay Pal, or you can send a check made out to the International healing Foundation and mail it to IHF at P.O. Box 901 Bowie, MD 20718.
Now is the time for action! Please help us help those who want to choose healing! I thank you for joining us in the battle to save lives. Please give today!
Blessings, |
| | Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC Director