Subject: Practice the 3 L's of Healthy Connection this Thanksgiving!

November 23, 2017

Wishing You and 
Your Family Happy Thanksgiving!
From Our Family to Yours...

As you sit around the dinner table this Thanksgiving, take some time to practice the three L's of healthy connection with your family!

Listen - Listen to your loved one's opinions, beliefs, and feelings without judgement. If you have a critical thought, ask them: "Can you tell me more about about that?" so you can better understand their heart.

Laugh - Don't be so serious! Find the joy in simple levels of intimacy with each other, remain light-hearted, and create positive memories together. Play a board game, watch a movie, and have fun serving each other at dinner!

Love - Demonstrate to your loved ones that you know them by giving in their love language. Do they appreciate healthy touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, or receiving gifts? Remember: we usually have two primary love languages, and the way you give love may not be the way your family member receives love.

For more information on the Institute for Healthy Families and our programs for parents and families, click here.
Watch Christopher Doyle's Presentation on Adolescent Sexual Health

Click here to watch IHF Executive Director, Christopher Doyle, discuss adolescent sexual health and his book, Benefits of Delaying Sexual Debut, at the 2017 Joint Conference with the American College of Pediatricians and American Association of Pro-Life OBGYN's in Chicago, IL (Photo: Christopher Doyle with American College of Pediatricians President, Dr. Michelle Cretella). 
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By donating to IHF you are being part of the healing process in someone’s life. And your donation to IHF is 100 percent tax-deductible since IHF is a 501(c)(3) non –profit organization.

Thank you for your help in changing lives! 

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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