Subject: Our Family Has Grown!

Dear Friend,
It’s great to be back in the U.S.! My wife Sherry and I recently returned from a trip to China where we finalized the adoption of two beautiful children. It has been a long process but we are excited to be back in the States with Lily and Paul and the rest of our family.

If you would have told me 11 years ago that I would be married with 5 children, I would have laughed. You see, eleven years ago I was struggling with same-sex attraction (SSA). My life was going in the wrong direction and I needed help and healing. I found the help and healing I needed and have now committed my life to helping others with SSA. I know that healing is possible, because I have experienced it first-hand.

A few months ago I shared with you the exciting news that the International healing Foundation (IHF) was purchasing office space to finally have a permanent home. I am pleased to report that the purchase has been completed and we are thrilled to have a place where we can grow and expand our ministry. Although we were able to use a sizable down payment to secure the office space, our goal is to be able to pay off the mortgage by the end of the year so that we can begin our 26th year of ministry DEBT FREE!


Will you help? If you have not yet made a contribution towards this project I ask you to consider a gift today so that we can remain debt free and put more resources into helping people and families that need healing.

I KNOW what we do works
because I have experienced that healing myself. Please help us bring that message of hope and healing to others.

Thank you in advance for your support!
Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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