| | | | | Institute for Healthy Families In the News |
| | | | Christopher Doyle Featured in Newsweek
Therapy on changing sexual orientation is being carried out by practitioners in multiple states that have laws against so-called conversion therapy for young people, though it is not confirmed if they are offering these services to minors, a Newsweek investigation found. Christopher Doyle is a psychotherapist in Virginia. Doyle told Newsweek . . .
"Sexuality is complex, and access to diverse mental-health counseling to help people navigate through these complexities is important for everyone . . . I offer evidence-based, mainstream psychological therapeutic techniques and practices for all client populations. If a client is conflicted about their sexual or gender identity, therapy may help that client come to a better understanding of who they are and how they wish to live their lives . . . Everyone has the right to pursue the life they wish to live in accordance with their values and personal beliefs. No government or political body has the right to take away the life choices or desires of the individual." Click here to read more. |
| | Strengthening Family Bonds: Effective Communication is Vital to the Family
Healthy family relationships are built on effective communication. Effective communication promotes the vital understanding, trust, and emotional connections that are the lifeblood of all loving families. Meanwhile, from a family counseling perspective, it’s a catalyst for growth, healing, and change.
Effective family communication goes beyond verbal exchanges; it encompasses active listening, empathetic understanding, and clear expression of thoughts and feelings. It involves not only speaking but also listening to and understanding one another’s perspectives. It creates a space where family members feel valued, respected, and understood. Click here to read more.
| | Family of 'non-binary' ex-Biden official: Torture 'never happened'
Brinton's sister says family was 'slandered,' never sent him to get 'conversion therapy'
The family of Sam Brinton — former high-level Biden nuclear-waste appointee, alleged luggage-stealer and self-described "gender-fluid bisexual" — is finally speaking out publicly to debunk what they say are lies he told about them.
"Former Biden Department of Energy official Sam Brinton claims to have been beaten by their [his] father, who held a gun to their [his] head and forced them [him] into [ex-gay] conversion therapy — but their [his] family insist it is all lies," reported the New York Post Feb. 19, using Brinton's "preferred pronouns" of "they/them."
| | Please Help IHF's Scholarship Fund
Every year, the Institute for Healthy Families hosts several retreats for individuals and families seeking healing. In the summer, we hold our annual Break-Free Your Inner Child retreat for men at Lake Anna, Virginia. In the fall, mothers and fathers from all over the country attend our Key to Your Child's Heart retreat for parents in Maryland.
These healing opportunities are so beneficial to our clients, and for many families, represent a huge turning point in their healing! Here is what one father had to say about his experience at one of our retreats:
I didn't realize how much of my identity, beliefs, values, and behaviors as an adult were tied to my childhood experience. Having been able to understand the background of my childhood can be reviewed and reprocessed really helped me to break free of some bad habits, bad beliefs, and grow as a person. I also became aware of family patterns that were unhealthy and now I have broken those patterns and will not pass them onto my children.
Even though we keep the costs of our retreats very low, some families cannot afford the cost to attend. Would you consider making a generous, tax-deductible donation to our non-profit educational and therapeutic work to help a mother, father, or son attend one of our retreats? Your gift will provide a scholarship for someone in financial-need. Thank you for partnering with us in this important cause!
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Institute for Healthy Families (IHF) specializes in counseling solutions for individuals, couples, families, therapists, and ministry leaders. IHF is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit therapeutic organization located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. As a Judeo-Christian organization, IHF believes that the family is the foundation for healthy individuals, relationships, communities, and places of worship. While IHF is non-sectarian, we believe that God reveals His truth in both the Bible and Creation and that we can use this wisdom to help facilitate healing. IHF believes that through this synthesis of science and faith, we can help our clients form and maintain healthy families that will be able to help their children become the best versions of themselves and fulfill God’s will for their lives. For more information, visit our website at: www.InstituteforHealthyFamilies.org. |