Subject: Last Minute Holiday Shopping? Shop Amazon Smile and Give Back to IHF!

Dear Friends,

Happy Holidays to you and yours! Still looking for that last minute gift for your loved one? Why not order online and shop on Amazon Smile? For every purchase you make, International Healing Foundation will receive 0.5% of your total purchase!
Click here to shop with Amazon Smile. For every purchase you make, IHF will receive 0.5 % to further our healing work!
Also, please remember IHF in your year-end giving. Every dollar you donate goes towards saving and healing lives! IHF is a 501c3 non-profit organization, so all donations are fully tax-deductible.


Christopher J. Doyle, MA, LCPC
International Healing Foundation
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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